Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2982: Things got out of the way 3

Elder Mu immediately called Mu Haiwei and asked him to prepare a plane, fill it up, and fly directly to Pingcheng.

Hearing Mu Haiwei's order, Mu Haiwei suddenly showed doubts, "Dad, what happened? So anxious? Did something happen to Xiao Yue'er?"

"There is something wrong. I have asked the people who followed Senior Dongfang to inform him and ask him to go to Pingcheng. Xiao Xiao was seriously injured and fell into a coma in order to protect Xiao Yue, and Xiao Yue was also in a coma. Now I wait for Senior Dongfang to pass! Elder Mu said in a somewhat hasty tone.

"What? Xiaoyue'er was in a coma? Xiao Junyan was injured? What happened? What happened?" Mu Haiwei asked Elder Mu anxiously when he heard the words.

Elder Mu angrily ordered Mu Haiwei, "I still don't know what's going on! You arrange it first, and I will ask what's going on!"

"Oh, okay!" Mu Haiwei nodded quickly, hung up the phone to make arrangements, and then notified the rest of the Mu family.

After Father Mu hung up his son's phone, he called Ye Tianming again.

However, Ye Tianming was still on the phone at this time. He felt that he still had to tell Father Xiao about this matter.

But thinking of the age of Elder Xiao, Ye Tianming could only call Xiao Fengyi first.

Xiao Fengyi, who was being forced by Tang Yalan to help in the kitchen, heard the ringing of his mobile phone, with an expression of excitement on his face, "I have a phone!"

"Eh! You girl!" Looking at Xiao Fengyi's excitement looking for an excuse to leave, Tang Yalan could only shook her head helplessly.

Xiao Fengyi took the phone and looked at it. He was a little confused. Ye Tianming actually called him, "Hey, how can your kid call me?"

Ye Tianming frowned when he heard Xiao Fengyi's voice, not knowing what to say for a while.

"That...this!" Ye Tianming opened his mouth, thinking of Xiao Junyan's current situation, hesitated, "Where are you now?"

Xiao Fengyi became even more confused and puzzled when she heard this, and said, "At home? Where am I not at home?"

"Then... Is your grandfather Xiao Lao by your side?" Ye Tianming asked again with concern.

Xiao Fengyi curled his lips and said in dissatisfaction, "Are you looking for my grandpa? Since you are looking for my grandpa and call my grandpa directly, don't you have it? What's the matter, hurry up!"

Ye Tianming thought for a while and said, "First, find a place farther away from your grandfather and your mother!"

"What are you doing?" Xiao Fengyi asked Ye Tianming dissatisfiedly.

Ye Tianming smashed his mouth and said, "I have something to do, hurry up, life is at stake!"

"Good, good!" Xiao Fengyi nodded helplessly, and could only resign his fate to walk out of the house and find an empty place to say, "Okay, let's talk about it!"

Ye Tianming could only tell Xiao Fengyi the matter, "Well, this, my sister-in-law was in a coma, the boss was seriously injured and unconscious in order to save the sister-in-law, and now I don't know the life or death!"

"What?" Hearing Ye Tianming's words, Xiao Fengyi's first reaction opened her eyes wide, with a face of disbelief, "You, didn't make a joke with me? This is not something to joke about. !"

Who is his younger brother? He is a powerful soldier. How could he be injured?

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