Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3183: Family and friends come to Jiangnan 1

In a blink of an eye, the day after tomorrow is the wedding of Chu Zhiming and An Qing.

Mu Yue also started to get busy, and some relatives and friends in the capital also rushed over from the capital.

Mu Haixuan, his wife Mu Haiye, and Mu Yifeng arrived at the airport in Lin City, Jiangnan Province in the morning.

Knowing that Mu Yue was very busy, the four of them just told Mu Yue that they would be here in the morning, and then they went to the medicinal restaurant to look for Mu Yue.

Knowing that in the morning, Mu Yue would be at the medicated food restaurant, and the four of them arrived at the medicinal food restaurant after putting their luggage, and it was time to have lunch by the way.

"Dad!" Mu Yue saw Mu Haixuan and the others coming, with a look of surprise on his face.

Mu Haixuan stepped forward, holding Mu Yue up and down, looking up and down, and found that there was one missing hair. Then he said, "Is it tired?"

Mu Yue shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not tired, I'll just give a command, I didn't do anything at all!"

"Well, you can just let these boys do it, otherwise, I won't let them follow you!" Mu Haixuan nodded, pointing at Mu Yu and the others.

Mu Yu and the others were all embarrassed, and they secretly complained that they were sent here, not entirely because they wanted to protect their little junior sisters! And the rhythm of being used as a coolie!

"Okay!" Mu Yue turned his head, glanced sympathetically at the seniors of Mu Yu, smiled and put his arms around Mu Haixuan's arm and said, "Dad, San Bo, San Aunt, Yi Feng, you just came to Linshi , I must not have lunch yet, let's go to lunch first!"

"Oh, it's time to eat, I'm starving to death. I caught the plane early in the morning and I didn't eat breakfast! The food on the plane was unpalatable!" Mu Yifeng touched his flat belly and immediately Started to complain over Barabara over there.

Mu Haiye turned his head and glared at his son Mu Yifeng. This stinky boy, who is so inconspicuous every day, really listened to the old man, he had to be sent to the military camp for good training.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "I'll be ready right away, I know you are coming, so I have already prepared it for you, just waiting for you to come!"

A group of people hurriedly went to Mu Yue. Inside the small villa of this medicinal restaurant, there were already a few cold dishes on the table of the restaurant.

"Oh, I can finally eat it!" Mu Yifeng sat down first, picked up the chopsticks and ate the cold dishes first.

"Slap" Mu Haixuan slapped Mu Yifeng directly on the back of the head, "I know how to eat! I don't know to wait for your sister!"

Mu Yifeng clutched his head, glanced at Mu Haixuan dissatisfied and wronged, "Dad, I am the son, my son!"

"I'm your father too! Really, more real than a pearl!" Mu Haiye nodded and said seriously.

Mu Yue looked at the father and son and couldn't help but laugh out loudly. For a while, she really didn't know what to say about them.

"I have added a few new varieties of dishes for the newlyweds. You can taste them, how does it taste?" Mu Yue said with a smile and walked into the kitchen.

Mu Yifeng directly left his old son Mu Haiye, and followed Mu Yue into the kitchen, "There are new products, let me try them first!"

Xiao Junyan has already prepared the steamed vegetables in the kitchen, "Come on! Be careful, I can come!"

Mu Yifeng wanted to steal the food first, but there was a big guy like Xiao Junyan who prevented him from eating. In the end, he could only find out the delicious food by running to the table. The praise was very delicious.

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