Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3184: Family and friends come to Jiangnan 2

After eating a good lunch, Mu Yue gave a plan for their marriage and asked Aunt No. 3 to confirm what they needed. After all, he was a newcomer and didn't understand this.

Aunt San took a look at the contents and was very satisfied, "You have done very well, and the atmosphere at the entire wedding banquet is also very lively, very good!"

"Is there nothing needed?" Mu Yue still asked uneasyly.

The third aunt smiled and shook her head, and said, "No need! This is already very good, and there is no need to add it, otherwise it will become redundant!"

With the approval of the third aunt, Mu Yue was relieved, and let people step up to deal with it.

"Is there anything else that needs to be arranged?" The third aunt asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue shook his head, "No need, thank you Third Aunt! In the afternoon, Auntie and the others will also come from Beijing, and Yu Yunxuan will also come!"

"I'm going to pick it up!" Mu Haiye grabbed Mu Yifeng and said, "I can go with this kid!"

Suddenly, Mu Yifeng slammed into Mu Haiye's shoulder, and sighed depressed. He was really his own son, and he was absolutely unsympathetic.

"Okay, please ask San Bo and Brother Yifeng!" Mu Yue said to Mu Haiye and Mu Yifeng with a smile.

Hearing Mu Yue's gratitude, Mu Yifeng directly forgot about Mu Hai Yekeng's own affairs, and smiled at Mu Yue, "Don't worry, just leave it to us!"

"I have already arranged for their accommodation!" Mu Yue also ordered some guests from other places to stay in the hotel, "Send them all to the hotel!"

Mu Haiye nodded and said with a smile, "Let's forget, we will live in our own home! We have our own home in Linshi!"

When Mu Haixuan heard the address, he turned to ask Mu Yue, "Where do you two live now?"

When Mu Yue was asked so, an awkward expression appeared on her face. Can she say that they are the only two of them living together?

"Jun Yan used to have a house here, so let's live in the old house!" Mu Yue said to Mu Haixuan with a smile.

Mu Haixuan squinted his eyes again, and looked at Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan warily, "Just you two?"

"At home, I also slept with Jun Yan!" Mu Yue touched her nose in embarrassment.

"Humph!" Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, and said to Mu Haiye, "Brother, I won't live with you today. I will go to your side and move my luggage!"

When Mu Yue heard this, he was ashamed, knowing that Mu Haixuan meant it, and glanced at Xiao Junyan sympathetically.

Xiao Junyan frowned unclearly, and glanced at Mu Haixuan who was determined.

Mu Haiye nodded and had no objection, "Yes, I will help you deliver the luggage. It hasn't been opened anyway, is it still in that place?"

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded.

Mu Haiye gave Xiao Junyan angrily, "I know you live there!"

He is also very clear about the thoughts of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan. He just wants to live in a two-person world!

But now that Mu Haixuan is with him, these two young people will be under control. After all, Mu Yue will soon be a college student.

There were other cases there before, and Mu Yue has a child!

If you are not careful, you will have children, which is not a good thing.

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