Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3285: Some people are happy and some are worried 3

Feng Jiahui knew the news, and Xiao Kexin was not a very good person, so naturally she also notified the news.

This is the "good news" that makes Xiao Kexin depressed and depressed. Telling her the news, it is estimated that she will die of depression.

When Xiao Kexin heard the news, she was even more exaggerated than Feng Jiahui, and directly slammed her mobile phone to the ground, and the mobile phone was torn apart.

"Bitch, she...she is pregnant! How can she be pregnant!"

In order to deal with Mu Yue, she not only lost her child, but also deprived her of the qualifications to be a mother in the future.

But Mu Yue was pregnant at this time. If she was pregnant with a boy, she believed that their second room would have no place in the Xiao family.

Thinking of her future status, Xiao Kexin hurriedly picked up her mobile phone, and found that the mobile phone was so broken that there was no way to assemble it, and then ran to the living room to pick up the phone and call Feng Jiahui.

"Hey, mom, that little **** is pregnant, did you know?" Xiao Kexin asked Feng Jiahui anxiously.

Feng Jiahui also knew about this, and snorted angrily, "Why didn't I know? I heard the news early in the morning! I answered several phone calls!"

At this moment, the mother and daughter instantly forgot about their previous Cold War, and were only angry about Mu Yue's pregnancy.

"Mom, that **** is pregnant. If she gave birth to a son, then our second room really has no hope at all. Even if Xiao Junyan is dead, we have no chance!" Xiao Kexin said to Feng Jiahui worriedly and anxiously. .

Feng Jiahui frowned tightly, and she was holding a breath of sullenness in her heart!

As Xiao Kexin said, she had been looking forward to Xiao Junyan's death, so there was still a chance for their second room to come back.

However, I didn't think that Mu Yue was pregnant with a child. If it was a girl, it might be better, but if it was a son, their second room would have no chance of turning over.

"Now even if we are not reconciled, we can't do anything!" Feng Jiahui frowned and gritted her teeth.

Xiao Kexin showed a vicious look on her face, "Then, shall we get rid of the child in that bitch's belly?"

"Are you crazy?" Feng Jiahui called out immediately after hearing the words, "If you want to die, go to death by yourself!"

Although he was angry, she was not stupid. If the child in Mu Yue's stomach was gone, she would have to go to jail.

Elder Xiao would never worry about face, the first person to send her to prison was his old man.

"If you don't do this, what else can you do? Could it be that you just watched our everything be snatched by that bitch?" Xiao Kexin yelled on the phone madly.

Feng Jiahui took a few breaths and tried to calm the anger in her heart, "If you are going to die, don't hold me, do the child's affairs, I will not participate!"

After speaking, Feng Jiahui hung up the phone fiercely.

Xiao Kexin was even more angry. This is not good, that is not good, so how can it be!

Because of Mu Yue, she couldn't even enter the door of the Xiao family compound, and it became a joke in the entire capital circle.

In the entire Xiao family, she was trampled on by Mu Yue, how could she tolerate this wild species so arrogant?

Thinking of the grievance and pain that Mu Yue had suffered, the look in Xiao Kexin's eyes became even more hideous and cruel.

"Mu Yue, I won't let you keep stepping on me!"

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