Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3286: Network department started construction 1

Mu Yue was pregnant, and there was no other place to go except staying on the bed. She could only move around in her own room, and even the steps of going downstairs to eat were omitted.

When Xiao Junyan was away, it was Tang Yalan and Auntie San who brought the food to the room upstairs for Mu Yue to eat.

Mu Yue was really worried that after three months of eating like this, she would become a fat man.

Although Xiao Junyan handed over a lot of matters to Ye Tianming, there were still some that needed to be handled by him, so the next day he would spend most of the day to visit the military area.

Mu Yue was idle and bored, Xiao Junyan accompanied her to play chess, and the two of them were inseparable.

"Jun Yan, it's the end of the month. It is estimated that Su Mu and Mu Yunqing will be back soon. When they come, you will bring them here. I have something to tell them!" Mu Yue played chess while facing Xiao Junyan said.

Xiao Junyan caringly said to Mu Yue, "You don't need to worry about the company's affairs, I will help you handle it!"

Mu Yue smiled helplessly, and said, "I don't want to, but for this Internet company, I have my ideas and requirements!"

She is the only one who knows the development of the future network best. Therefore, we must explain clearly to these students. Otherwise, it will be a waste of money and time, which is not good.

"Well, listen to you, but when other people come, you can't leave the room!" Xiao Junyan nodded, reminding Mu Yue.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't leave home, I plan to open a phone call on both sides, voice communication!"

Even if she can't go there, she can communicate with them via voice, just can't video.

Thinking about it, it’s better for future generations. Both computers and mobile phones can make videos. Even if you don’t go, you can have a meeting with them.

Xiao Junyan nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, I'll help you prepare then!"

"If my internet company is opened and the internet communication is perfect, even at home, I can video chat with them!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan listened to Mu Yue's words and nodded, "Yes!"

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Xiao Junyan's phone rang, and it was Mo Lieye who called.

"Okay, I see, I will arrange for them to come over tomorrow!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and died after only one sentence, "Su Mu and Mu Yun are here!"

"It's pretty early, not bad!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, still satisfied with the positivity of the two people.

Mu Yue hoped that they could come two or three days in advance, and Su Mu and Mu Yunqing did indeed come a few days earlier.

Mo Lieye also knew the news that Mu Yue was pregnant, and everyone in the Longteng Group knew about this.

Knowing about Mu Yue's situation, Mo Lieye didn't know whether to bring Su Mu and Mu Yunqing over, so he called specifically to ask about Xiao Junyan's situation.

There was radiation from the mobile phone, and Mu Yue's mobile phone was confiscated. It was in Xiao Junyan's hands. He contacted Xiao Junyan for everything.

"Don't be tired tomorrow!" Xiao Junyan still reminded him, and said with concern.

Mu Yue stuck out her tongue and said with a smile, "Okay, I know, don't worry, I will take care of myself and our children!"

He lowered his head and touched his flat belly, with a happy smile on his face.

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