Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3289: Network department started construction 4

The next day, Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue get ready, connected to the phone connected to the villa, and maximized the sound on both sides, which also made it easy for everyone at the villa to hear Mu Yue’s voice. And Mu Yue could also hear each of them.

The phones on both sides are all connected, Xiao Junyan put the headset on Mu Yue's head, "Okay, I can talk!"

"Hello everyone!" Mu Yue said into the microphone while pressing the earphones next to her ears with both hands.

The voices of a group of people came from the earphones, "Hello Mu Dong!"

Mu Yue's first sentence was to apologize to everyone, "I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to explain to you the development of the network department in person, but because of my health, I can't come, I hope everyone will forgive me!"

"Mu Dong, this is good news for you, we won't blame you!"

"That's right, the world is still the most important thing for Mu Dong's body. Now you can speak like this, you don't have to let Mu Dong come in person!"

"Yes, Mu Dong, that's it!"

The youth in the villa heard Mu Yue's apology and said quickly.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Thank you very much, let's get down to business, let me talk to you about network development! I will tell you some of the things I said to Su Mu before, and then what questions and comments do you have? , You can bring it up!"

Therefore, Mu Yue told the others what he had said to Mu Yunqing and the others again.

"Do you have any questions about this, or any other opinions?"

"Mu Dong, what do we need to cover first in the software we are designing now?"

"You said that it is necessary for the internal employees of Longteng Group to use it first, so what function do you need first?

"Mu Dong, according to what you said, do we have to build a website? Is the website design also ours?"

Everyone put forward their own questions one by one.

Mu Yue listened to everyone’s opinions one by one and said, “Now you first build the website, build it according to the main content format of the website I gave you, and then implement each link one by one to establish a chat software. Including emails, message reminders, voice and video, etc. It’s best to develop a video chat first. If something like mine happens, or if the plane is delayed, you don’t need to go to the meeting place and you can join the meeting directly by video!"

After hearing Mu Yue's suggestion, the students who listened to the explanation all whispered to each other, nodding their heads in agreement.

If this can be developed, it will indeed be very convenient for future company development and conferences.

"Moreover, there is a function in our chat software that can send messages to mobile phones in groups to ensure that the message notifications are in place!" Mu Yue reminded everyone.

According to the current social development, mobile phones are becoming more common, and Longteng Group also has high salaries. As long as they work in Longteng Group, people with small rights can have a mobile phone on hand and receive text messages.

"Also, it is the confidentiality of company information. At the same time, it is necessary to develop an anti-virus software. Whether it is a virus or a hacker, it must have the ability to block!" Mu Yue reminded him again, "Can you pass the test? Someone will be asked to perform a hacking acceptance. As long as you pass the acceptance, it will be the day when you succeed and when I will reward you!"

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