Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3290: Network department started construction 5

"So now there are three tasks. The first is the construction of the website. This only needs one or two people, and the number of people developing chat software and anti-virus software is divided into half and half. Let's talk to each other and who is more suitable. "Mu Yue reminded everyone, "After your specific arrangements are made, submit a list to me! Especially those responsible for the construction of the website and web pages, need to contact me directly, and I must be satisfied to complete the task! "

"Yes!" Mo Lie nodded and said, "I will hold a meeting later, and I will report after I have arranged it!"

"I hope that these three tasks need to be completed before New Year's Eve next year, and put into use after the New Year! Do you have any confidence?" Mu Yue asked again.

A group of passionate youths shouted in excitement, "Yes!"

After receiving an answer, Mu Yue's mouth also showed a smile, "Very good!" He reminded again, "However, I also remind everyone that this matter must not be leaked. If it is leaked, then you will I will lose the chance to be famous forever! I believe that everyone is a passionate young man, hoping that they don’t want to be just like this, right?

"I don't want to!"

As the passionate young people of the 21st century, these students are all fresh out of school, they are full of passion, and they all want to make a career.

Even if they can't survive the ages, they have to show their faces in this era and show their abilities. If they do nothing, they will spend so many years of study and study in vain.

"Very well, I am full of hope for everyone. As long as you can complete the task, you will be rewarded and you will be able to have foreign holidays and bonuses. You can choose what you want!" Mu Yue left again.

"Thank you Mu Dong!"

"Mu Dong, you are so generous!"

"We will certainly not disappoint your hopes!"

When Mu Yue got Mu Yue, all these young people were extremely excited.

Mu Yue said to Mo Lieye, "Mr. Mo, have they seen the contract, and are there any other questions?"

Mo Lieye shook his head and said into the microphone, "There is no problem, you can sign a contract today!"

"Well, you can handle this matter well!" Mu Yue nodded and said.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue, took the earphones off her head, and said into the microphone, "That's all for your meeting today. If you have any questions, you can call me!"

"Yes, boss!" When Mo Lieye heard Xiao Junyan's voice, he was a little bit dumbfounded, knowing that his boss was over there and worried that Mu Yue was tired.

Sure enough, Mu Yue complained, "What are you doing!"

"I'm tired, I can rest, be good, I'll take care of other things for you!" Xiao Junyan said gently to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was very depressed, "You are very domineering, I'm not tired yet!"

"My wife, listen to me. Don't think about anything before taking a break. If you have something, it won't be too late to do it tomorrow. Be obedient!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue in a coaxing tone, and also hung up the call Up.

There was silence in the small meeting room of the villa.

Mo Lieye stood up, coughed twice, and said to the people in the meeting room, "Okay, the meeting with Mu Dong is over, the next is our small meeting! Now it starts..."

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