Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3387: Xiao Kexin's Madness 3

Elder Xiao couldn't bear it anymore and shouted outside, "Guard! Guard!"

Hearing the call, the guard standing guard rushed in and saluted Mr. Xiao.

Grandpa Xiao pointed to Xiao Kexin, who had fallen on the ground and never got up, and ordered, "Send her to the police station for attempted murder!"

When the guard heard the words of Old Man Xiao, all of his faces showed shocked expressions, and they seemed to dare not do anything.

"Grab!" Xiao Junyan let out a cold sullen displeased when seeing these guards not doing anything.

The guard body trembled, and hurriedly pulled Xiao Kexin up on the ground.

Xiao Kexin resisted these guards and shouted, "Let go of me, you let me go, you dog minions, what right do you have to touch me, let me go!"

The three words "dog minion" made the guards' faces look ugly, and the faces of the entire Xiao family were very ugly.

Elder Xiao stared at Xiao Kexin angrily, "Where did your education go? Who said these things to you! Ah! I really didn't expect that our Xiao family would have you as a scum, scum!"

The condemned Xiao Kexin stared at Father Xiao frantically, "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me! Why do you want to give things from the Xiao family to this bitch! That's mine, it belongs to me!"

Elder Xiao pointed at Xiao Kexin with trembling fingers. He was so angry that he would have fainted if it hadn't been for Xiao Junyan to pass the qi to him.

"Shut up!" Xiao Shufeng also stared at Xiao Kexin angrily when he saw Old Man Xiao who was about to faint with anger.

If he was not a godfather, Xiao Shufeng was very afraid that Elder Xiao would put this responsibility on him.

However, Xiao Shufeng wanted not to be blamed, but Xiao Kexin would not let him go, and Xiao Ziyun, who had never spoken.

"Shut up? Shut up? Do you think you can order me if you are my dad?" Xiao Kexin still looked at Xiao Shufeng and his son in a mocking manner. Come to Xiao's house and give outsiders an attitude. You are still the Xiao family. Does the old man still value you very much?"

Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun both changed their faces and stared at Xiao Kexin angrily. Her words definitely struck their pain.

Although they also knew that Elder Xiao must have guessed something in his heart, but they didn't break it. After all, everyone was a family.

However, now that it is clear, it still leaves them faceless.

"Haha, I got it right!" Xiao Kexin raised her head and laughed triumphantly, almost crazy.

Looking at the appearance of Xiao Kexin, and at the expressions of Father Xiao and Xiao Shufeng, Feng Jiahui angrily stepped forward and gave her a resounding slap.

Xiao Kexin slandered her, but she must not slander Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun.

If Xiao Shufeng and his son fell down, then she would not be able to live the same life as before!

Feng Jiahui angrily ordered the guards, "Take her to the police station. You told the police that she was going to kill Mu Yue and the child in her stomach. We found out that there was no harm in time!"

When these guards heard Feng Jiahui's words, they immediately understood that this was what Mr. Xiao said about attempted murder.

Knowing that Xiao Kexin was going to kill Mu Yue and the child in her stomach, these guards were also very angry.

What's more, she just called them dog minions. This was an insult to them, how could they treat her well?

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