Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3388: Xiao Kexin's Madness 4

Xiao Kexin glared at Feng Jiahui, Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun angrily, looking at these three relatives who were close to her.

"I'm waiting to see if you guys have not fallen!" Xiao Kexin said with a triumphant smile on her face.

She has a hard time, so don’t think about it for those of them who don’t help her dear ones.

It's all about this time, and she has to separate her from her, she just won't let them do what they want.

The three of Xiao Shufeng stared at Xiao Kexin angrily. They really wanted to kill her. They were not afraid of enemies like gods or teammates like pigs.

Feng Jiahui didn't want to see Xiao Kexin again, waved angrily, and ordered the guards, "Hurry up and send her to the police station!"

The guard still turned his head to look at Mr. Xiao and Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan ordered, "Send her to the police station!"

The guard who got the order dragged Xiao Kexin away.

It was also fortunate that Xiao Kexin was injured by Xiao Junyan before, and now she has little strength to resist, she was easily framed by two guards and left the Xiao family.

Elder Xiao looked at Xiao Kexin who was taken away, his weather-beaten eyes closed, two rows of crystal clear tears sliding down the gully cheeks.

Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Shufeng who was about to speak, and said to Grandpa Xiao, "Grandpa, you should go sit down and rest first!"

She wanted to interrupt Xiao Shufeng on purpose, so as not to wait for the old man to be **** off by their second room and family again.

Although Xiao Shufeng glanced at Mu Yue dissatisfiedly, who disturbed him, but seeing the appearance of Old Man Xiao, he could only shut his mouth obediently.

He also knew very well that Elder Xiao was getting older, because this matter was very irritating, and he had to sit down first.

Elder Xiao returned to the sofa and sat down with the support of Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue.

Mu Yue hurriedly poured a cup of Lingcha to Elder Xiao, and gently stroked his chest with his hand to let him breathe slowly.

Elder Xiao drank the spirit tea, his body was a little less, he turned his head to look at Mu Yue, his eyes became more gentle and distressed.

"Dad, do you feel uncomfortable?" Xiao Siyu asked Grandpa Xiao caringly, "Should I call a doctor?"

Elder Xiao waved his hand and said, "No, there is the genius doctor Yue'er, so what other doctors are needed!"

Xiao Siyu glanced at Mu Yue, then smiled and nodded, trying to make the old man feel better, and jokingly said, "It is also since Yue'er became your granddaughter-in-law, that your health doctor has not appeared in you again. In front of you!"

Mu Yue also knew the meaning of Xiao Siyu’s words, smiled and blinked, and said jokingly, “Am I robbing the health doctor’s job? Is this also paid? Then why didn’t I get paid? ?"

Hearing these words, Mr. Xiao was in a good mood, and he glared at Mu Yue with an irritating look, "You have so much money, what kind of salary do you need!"

Mu Yue pouted, and said aggrievedly, "Grandpa, although I have a lot of money, no one will think it is too much. More than a few hundred and thousands of yuan is also willing!"

Elder Xiao smiled and flicked Mu Yue's forehead, "You girl, you are really getting more and more ghostly and more refined!"

Mu Yue touched her forehead aggrievedly, and complained to Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan, look, grandpa bullied me!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue tenderly in his eyes, and said, "It won't hurt after a kiss!"

When the voice fell, Mu Yue's face instantly blushed, and Xiao Junyan glared angrily.

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