Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3389: The end of the second room of the Xiao family 1

After Xiao Siyu, Mu Yue, and Xiao Junyan were gagging and joking, Mr. Xiao's mood finally improved and he didn't think about Xiao Kexin anymore.

It's just that Xiao Shufeng, Feng Jiahui, and Xiao Ziyun are still there, and they are also reminding everyone of what happened just now.

Feng Jiahui was very anxious and worried, and she was restless. She was here to apologize to Old Man Xiao, but she did not expect something like Xiao Kexin to happen.

"Dad, we really don't know about Kexin. If we knew it, we wouldn't let her come!" Feng Jiahui quickly defended herself and said to Father Xiao.

When Grandpa Xiao heard Feng Jiahui's voice and words, the smile on his face disappeared, and he turned his head and stared at the second room of the Xiao family angrily, "You still have the face to say, how do you become fathers and mothers? That's how you are. Do you educate children?"

Both Xiao Shufeng and Feng Jiahui, who were being reprimanded, lowered their heads together, not daring to see Old Man Xiao.

Xiao Shufeng lowered his head to take the blame, "I know that in educating my children, I lacked patience and did not fulfill my responsibilities as a father. I didn't teach Kexin well. I knew I was wrong. Dad, you punish me. Right!"

At this moment, he really hoped that Elder Xiao would beat him and scold him, so maybe they still have a chance for the second room and family, but they are afraid...

Old man Xiao coldly snorted, still staring at Xiao Shufeng annoyedly, "If my daughter can't teach well, and the job is not good, what kind of face do you have to come to me? You want me to help you guide the work? Do you think my old man is you? Is it a stepping stone to rise?"

Xiao Shufeng suddenly raised his head when he was so blatantly stated his purpose by the old man Xiao, his voice was trembling, "I...I didn't, Dad, I never meant it!"

"I know, because of my status as an old man, you have never suffered any crime since you were young. You have always lived a life of fine clothes and food, and you have never encountered bumps in your work!" Elder Xiao said his own words clearly, " I’m all so old, I’m the old man who doesn’t work well, do you want to show your face? Look at Jun Yan and Yue'er, they can get what they want with their own abilities at a young age. thing!"

Although his old man is getting older, he still knows exactly what the Xiao Shufeng family is paying attention to.

"You hate Yue'er, isn't it because I gave her the seat of the mistress of the Xiao family, and gave her everything in the Xiao family, and didn't give your family anything!" Elder Xiao said without mercy, "Tell you, With your small measure, even if I give Lihua, I won’t give it to you!"

When these words fell, Xiao Shufeng, Feng Jiahui, and Xiao Ziyun all showed shock and disbelief on their faces.

What do you mean by this father? Would rather give it to your son-in-law than your own son, is this a father?

"Don't believe it? Even your own children are not well educated. What qualifications do you have to inherit?" Old man Xiao looked at Xiao Shufeng and Feng Jiahui more contemptuously.

Then he named Feng Jiahui, "And you, you are an elder, you are so narrow-minded, and you curse the younger generation, you are not qualified to be our Xiao family's daughter-in-law!"

Feng Jiahui turned pale when she heard the old man's words, her lips trembled, and her voice stuttered, "Dad...I...I didn't, it was... Kexin she slandered me!"

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