Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3394: Settled in Longteng Building 3

"Moreover, local specialty products will not only be bought in various regions, as long as they can be bought online, homesick migrant workers can also buy what they want through the Internet!" Mu Yue is confident. Said.

No one really wants to leave their hometown to work. Many officials in ancient times did not return to their hometown after resigning. Even after they died, they hoped that their descendants could send him back to their hometown.

Sometimes you can taste a little familiar taste of your hometown, which can make people happy to tears.

"Your idea is very good. This is a big project, and you need a lot of personnel. Indeed, you have enough vacancies in this building. As long as you work hard, I can talk to them if you have any needs!" Xiao The old man said directly.

After Mu Yue's simple explanation, how could Mr. Xiao, who had been a leader, not know that this company will indeed need a lot of people, more people than other companies combined.

After all, this is all handled on the Internet, and people are responsible for both the telephone and the Internet.

A series of products such as pre-sales, post-sales, store review, product review, etc. require a large number of personnel.

Mu Yue thought of the various problems that would arise on Taobao, a shopping website for later generations, and she was able to raise them in a timely manner. Pay attention, the authenticity of the identity must also be very strong.

"What about your delivery personnel?" Old man Xiao asked concerned.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "I have asked logistics company integration personnel to conduct surveys across the country and start to establish individual sub-sites. When the statistical distribution is over, my network company can also be launched. Two-pronged approach, just right!"

Many sub-sites have very large logistics sites and have to be rebuilt. It takes more than half a year to build a place, almost a year.

In addition, after the success of the construction, follow-up personnel recruitment training, etc., all need to be done step by step.

The time for the successful construction of the network company coincided with the cooperation with the logistics company.

Elder Xiao nodded. This is indeed a big project, and it is not so fast to build. "You know it in your heart. If you can really come out according to your poverty alleviation plan, the country can also apply for some charity funds to join!"

"There is no need to worry, grandpa!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "I help them. I also have shares. It is not a complete charity. This will make them more motivated. You don't have to worry about cooperation after the money is gone. It will be interrupted, or for other reasons, the online store cannot be opened!"

Elder Xiao also nodded, "You are right!"

But this will have to wait until Mu Yue's network company has truly developed before it can slowly implement this project, and it will take at least three or four years to do it.

After all, there are not many people who can afford computers, and there are no mobile phones that can afford mobile phones, let alone shopping.

"As long as this Internet company develops, you won't have to go out to buy things in the future!" Mr. Mu also said with a smile, "This will be better than the mall! It will give more people the opportunity to start a business!"

"Well, I will also join the college students to give them the opportunity to return to their hometown to start a business!" Mu Yue smiled and said.

Mr. Xiao and Mr. Mu were more satisfied after hearing this. They were also very optimistic about the development prospects of the Internet company.

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