Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3395: Guwujie Family Meeting 1

The development of the secular world is very rapid, but in the ancient martial world, there is still no industrial pollution, but it can still be used for electricity.

In a building that combines modern and ancient architecture, there are waves of shouts. On the huge square, neat rows of teams are practicing martial arts.

The first few elders wearing exercise clothes looked at these young children practicing martial arts, touched their beards and nodded.

"Elders, the Patriarch invites you to go to the conference hall to discuss matters!" A disciple suddenly ran over, came in front of a few elders, and said respectfully to them.

Several old men looked at each other, nodded, and walked towards the conference room.

When I came to the conference room, there were already many people sitting in their seats.

A middle-aged man headed by his resolute face had a bit of majesty, "Everyone is here, let's have a meeting! Great Elder, let's talk about it!"

If Mu Haixuan were here, he would definitely recognize the middle-aged man headed by him. He would be Mu Yue's grandfather and Nangong Yuehua's father Nangong Linfeng.

A red-faced old man sitting under the middle-aged man nodded and said, "We are about to compete with the disciples of the ancient martial world and the secular world, and our Nangong family must also send corresponding masters to fight! With the secular world. Strong, and the ranking of the competition is getting higher and higher. After the discussion of the four major families in the ancient martial arts world, we plan to send foreign affairs elders from each family before the competition to explore the fighting power of the secular world!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded, glanced at the crowd and said, "This time our Nangong family will also exclude foreign affairs elders and go out to investigate. However, I will send one more foreign affairs elder to look for members of the mysterious doctor!"

"Patriarch, do you have a way to save the young lady?" An old man opposite the Great Elder asked Nangong Linfeng in surprise and curiousity.

Nangong Linfeng shook his head and said, "There is no way, but I also asked a lot of people. They all said that the medical skills of the mysterious doctors are even more powerful. I believe that as long as there are people from the mysterious doctors, come and save The chances of waking up Yuehua will be greater!"

Hearing Nangong Linfeng's words, everyone bowed their heads in silence.

They are also very clear about what happened more than 20 years ago, and they all seem to be vividly remembered.

Back then, their Nangong family spent a lot of effort to rescue Nangong Yuehua.

It's just that this person was rescued, but he has been lying on the bed forever and never woke up.

The elder's eyes were shining, and he said heavily, "Patriarch, I heard that there were people who were looking for mysterious doctors before, but they didn't find them after looking for them for a long time. They don't seem to exist anymore!"

A touch of firmness flashed in Nangong Linfeng's eyes, and he glanced at everyone present and said, "As long as you can find someone from the mysterious doctor's door, who will be the young master!"

As the Patriarch, Nangong Linfeng has only one biological daughter in this life, and that is Nangong Yuehua.

Regardless of Nangong Yuehua's gender, or her current situation, she is not allowed to take over as the head of the Nangong family.

Therefore, it is the turn of the grandchildren under the name of the elders present to take the position of the future Patriarch.

Now the most competitive are the grand elder's grandson Nangong Yan and the second elder's grandson Nangong Yangchen.

Therefore, after hearing Nangong Linfeng's words, a look of surprise flashed across the faces of the Great Elder and the Second Elder who had just spoken.

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