Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3396: Guwujie Family Meeting 2

Nangong Linfeng looked at the great elder and the second elder, how could he not be shrewd if he could be the head of a family.

"Elder, second elder, this matter is left to you, whoever can bring the descendants of the mysterious doctor to cure Yuehua, I will decide who is the young master of the Nangong family!" Nangong Linfeng faced the big elder. Said with the second elder.

After hearing Nangong Linfeng's words, the second elder clasped his fists in excitement and said, "Don't worry, the Patriarch, the old man will find the descendant of the mysterious doctor, and heal the young lady!"

However, the great elder frowned and said to Nangong Linfeng and the second elder, “Patriarch, the second elder, it’s not me who poured cold water. After all, the child Yuehua’s condition is not very good. If, even we find it. What should I do if the descendants of the mysterious doctor cannot be cured?"

Nangong Linfeng listened and glanced at the Great Elder displeasedly, but he couldn't say that this matter was wrong.

"It's okay, even if it can't be treated, there is no way, as long as you can find it!" Nangong Linfeng waved his hand and said somewhat decadently.

After Nangong Yuehua was returned that year, Nangong Linfeng was painful and blamed himself, and also regretted it very much. Why did she stop Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan from being together.

Therefore, in the past ten years, Nangong Linfeng has rarely managed the affairs of the Nangong family, and the elders and the second elders lead the elders to handle the affairs of the family.

For a big event like this time, Nangong Linfeng, the Patriarch, needs to appear in person.

Moreover, Nangong Linfeng also wanted to take this opportunity to let the Great Elder and the Second Elder help him find someone who could save Nangong Yuehua.

The elder nodded, "Patriarch rest assured, we will definitely try our best to find the descendant of the mysterious doctor, and come to see Yuehua!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded, and after talking about other things at the meeting, the meeting ended.

The first elder and the second elder looked at the back of Nangong Linfeng's departure, and looked at each other. The air was filled with electric light and flint.

They all hope that their grandchildren can become the young lord of the Nangong family, and in the future they will become the head of the entire Nangong family.

"Second elder, then we will send people to investigate separately!" The great elder said to the second elder.

The second elder nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

This matter is also very important, and they all have to consider it carefully.

The great elder turned around and left the meeting room with his hands on his back, but he was thinking that he must find someone with status to go to the mysterious doctor and pull him to his side.

In this way, he was able to control the people of the mysterious doctor, and thereby control Nangong Yuehua.

After all, he also chased and killed Nangong Yuehua back then. If she wakes up and knows some inside stories of the year, all his plans will be in vain.

And the second elder also left the conference room, but thought in his heart that he must let the precious grandson go out first, and to invite someone with status in the mysterious doctor's door, only the future young master candidate is qualified to invite him. He is better than the second elder. But grandson.

As long as the person with the highest status in the mysterious doctor's school can be cleared, he will be more sure to rescue Nangong Yuehua.

After all, Nangong Yuehua is a woman, and she has a feast with Shangguan's family. If she wakes up, she will still want to leave the Nangong family.

Based on Nangong Linfeng's guilt and maintenance for Nangong Yuehua, he must be retained again, and it is not suitable to be the young master of the Nangong family, so only his grandson can do it.

This is their best opportunity right now, and they definitely can't just let it go.

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