Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3397: Guwujie Family Meeting 3

The elder returned to his residence, wrote a letter, found his confidant, and carefully instructed him to give the letter to him so that he could deliver the letter.

He sent away a subordinate, and called an old man full of flowers and said, "Elder Qing, this time I plan to send you and my grandson Yan'er out of the secular world to explore the power of the secular world!"

"Elder, has Young Master Yan left?" Elder Qing has no surprises about the arrangements of the Elder. He is the confidant of the Elder, and this kind of matter must be handled by him.

The elder nodded and said, "Well, I plan to let him leave the customs early. I believe that the second elder will also let his grandson Nangong Yangchen leave the customs. Neither the second elder nor I can leave the family. Nangong Yan and Nangong Yangchen are the two future young master candidates who are most qualified to invite the descendants of the mysterious doctor!"

In the Nangong family, the first elder and the second elder have the most status, but they are not suitable to leave the Nangong family, and the other elders are not as high as the Nangong Banquet and Nangong Yangchen who are candidates for the future young master.

Therefore, in order to be able to get the seat of the young master, the great elder directly ignored the competition between the secular world and the ancient martial world, and completely focused his attention on the seat of the young master.

Only by getting the seat of Young Master can he truly get the Nangong family, and he doesn't care about other things.

After all, the two big powers compete not only with their Nangong family, but also with other families!

Elder Qing also agreed with the words of the great elder, "Okay, I will assist the young master to find the descendants of the mysterious doctor as soon as possible! Let the forces of our Nangong family in the secular world vigorously find the descendants of the mysterious doctor!"

The elder sternly reminded the elder Qing, "However, I also remind you that we need to find the descendant of the mysterious doctor, not to let him heal Nangong Yuehua, if it is to be cured, but we can't let her have any Her memory destroyed her previous memories! After all, we all went to hunt down Nangong Yuehua back then!"

When Elder Qing heard the words, his face became straight and he nodded, "I see!"

Those who went out to find Yuehua in Nangong back then were not only from the Nangong family, but also from the Shangguan family, as well as other families.

However, when they rescued Nangong Yuehua back to the family, Nangong Yuehua could say that there was only one breath left.

They only said that when they arrived at the destination, they had already seen Nangong Yuehua fall under the cliff, and had not seen the person pushing her off the cliff at all.

In fact, they also wanted to confirm that Nangong Yuehua was dead, and if he did not die, they would make up for it.

It's just that someone from the second elder's side has already arrived, and the two sides have almost found Nangong Yuehua together. They are not easy to start and can only save the half-dead Nangong Yuehua back.

For so many years, Nangong Linfeng has been with Nangong Yuehua, and they are also very difficult to do. Seeing that Nangong Yuehua has been in a coma, the elder does not plan to do anything.

But now Nangong Linfeng is looking for the descendant of the mysterious doctor, which makes the great elder a little flustered and anxious.

"I also told He Yan'er about this matter. You must get ahead of the second elders and them, and win over the people who reach the mysterious doctor door!" The elder elder reminded the elder Qing.

Elder Qing frowned and asked, "Then what if the second elders are first?"

The elder's face became cold, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck to Elder Qing, "Kill the mysterious doctors!"

"Good!" Elder Qing nodded.

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