"Mr. Mu can rest assured that we can be responsible for everything we say today, and what we say is true!" Elder Ming said with a very low attitude.

As long as they can take Mu Yue back to the Nangong family and let her heal Nangong Yuehua’s illness, whether it is the task given by the Patriarch or the testimony given by Nangong Yuehua at that time, they will be able to take the power of the elder Suppress it.

Therefore, only now will Elder Ming and Nangong Yangchen have such a good attitude.

Mu Haixuan nodded and said, "I know, I will consider this matter. I will go back and arrange for someone to investigate it now!"

With that, Mu Haixuan got up and left.

Nangong Yang Chen stopped Mu Haixuan, "Wait a minute!"

"What else?" Mu Haixuan turned his head and looked at Nangong Yangchen.

Nangong Yangchen explained, "I think the Shangguan family must know about Mu Yue's affairs, and Nangong Banquet also knows, you'd better be prepared, they will definitely not just let Mu Yue go!"

When Mu Haixuan heard Nangong Yangchen's words, he nodded and said confidently, "I see, it's not that easy for them to hurt Xiao Yueer. I won't let them hurt her!"

Nangong Yangchen nodded, "That's good, if you need help, you can also tell me!"

"No need!" Mu Haixuan turned back and left the box.

Watching Mu Haixuan leave, Nangong Yangchen turned his head to look at Elder Ming and asked, "Elder Ming, do you think Mu Haixuan will believe us and cooperate with us?"

Elder Ming smiled confidently and said to Nangong Yangchen, "Don't worry, Mu Haixuan is not a fool, he knows what he is going to do, and this thing is also a good thing for him!"

Nangong Yangchen nodded in agreement, "Then I hope he can investigate clearly, and then cooperate with us, so that the big elder side can't be so arrogant!"

Mu Haixuan didn't know what Nangong Yangchen and Elder Ming said after leaving the box. He only wanted to send someone to investigate the Nangong family, especially Nangong Yuehua's.

In the past, because of Mu Yue's relationship, he did not investigate, and in his heart, Nangong Yuehua had already thought that she was dead, so he did not investigate her life or death.

Now that he knew from Nangong Yangchen's mouth, he had to investigate whether all this was true or not.

If it is true, he will be able to get together with Nangong Yuehua and be together again.

After Mu Haixuan left the box and got into his car, he went to the department and asked people to investigate the affairs of the Nangong family.

On the other side, Ye Tianming was in charge of driving, Mu Yu was sitting in the co-pilot, and Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were sitting behind him.

This is also to ensure the safety of Mu Yue. With the protection of three people, the safety factor is definitely the highest.

"It's not like there are so many people here, just go and check it first!" Mu Yue looked at Ye Tianming and the others, and said helplessly.

Ye Tianming said with a hippy smile, "That's my godson, I have to see what he looks like!"

Mu Yue naturally believed this guy's words, and said in a funny and irritating way, "You are a godson, don't teach my son, be careful I let you fly in the sky!"

"Khan, sister-in-law, you can't bully me like that!" Ye Tianming heard the words, and his hairs fell to the ground, and he quickly begged for mercy.


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