Xiao Junyan brought Mu Yue to the hospital and performed various checks. After confirming that the child was really healthy, everyone was very happy.

And Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue into the B-ultrasound room, planning to see the child in his stomach.

Xiao Junyan, who has a very strong predominance, all doctors requested are women, and they all have a very good reputation and medical skills in obstetrics and gynecology.

The doctor saw Mu Yue and the others coming, and greeted them with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, Madam Xiao, you are here!"

Xiao Junyan was very satisfied that the female doctor called Mu Yue "Mrs. Xiao" and nodded.

"Mrs. Xiao, come, lie on the bed, let's see the baby!" The female doctor helped Mu Yue sit on the bed.

Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue tidy up the clothes, while Ye Tianming and Mu Yu stood outside the door, not letting them in.

This is to expose the belly, so naturally these two people have to be outside, Xiao Junyan wouldn't let them see Mu Yue's belly.

The female doctor gently touched Mu Yue's belly and prepared the equipment, "Mrs. Xiao, relax, don't be nervous!"

Mu Yue nodded, holding Xiao Junyan's big hand tightly with one hand.

Feeling the icy feeling on the stomach, I turned to look at the image presented on the computer screen.

The image of the baby in the belly is clearly shown on the computer.

"This... is our son?" Xiao Junyan said in an incredible way.

Dongfang Sheng had always been asked to help see Mu Yue's situation, and he had never been to the hospital to check it, so this was the first time Xiao Junyan saw the child in his stomach.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Yes! This is our child!"

"Wife! Thank you!" Xiao Junyan also nodded, lowered his head and gently kissed Mu Yue's forehead, grateful and spoiled.

Mu Yue smiled lightly, and cast an irritating look at her, "Why don't you say thank you, don't you say that you won't say thank you in the future?"

"Well, don't tell me!" Xiao Junyan shook Mu Yue's little hand tightly, and looked at the child inside the computer.

The female doctor also introduced Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue very carefully, "The child looks very good and very healthy. These are the child's facial features, and now the child is asleep!"

"I hope he can come out and be more lively!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Thinking of Xiao Junyan's indifferent character, Mu Yue was still slightly worried, fearing that her son would also have such a character, and she would also have a headache from now on.

Xiao Junyan said firmly, "Like you, no!"

"How do you know you are like me?" Mu Yue turned her head and asked in surprise.

Xiao Junyan said softly, "You are a mother. After so much suffering, you naturally look like you!"

Mu Yue couldn't hold back it, she laughed out loud, and cast an angry look, "I know I'm scornful!"

"What I said is true!" Xiao Junyan said innocently.

"Okay, what you said is true!" Mu Yue didn't bother to care about this with this guy, and continued to look at her precious son.

The female doctor also selectively helped Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue to take a few pictures of the children.

"This photo is good. After we go back, we must save it, and then buy a camera to record the changes of our children every day!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Xiao Junyan's suggestion.

Thinking of the things and records that the mothers of the future generations have done, Mu Yue also has a little expectation and excitement in her heart.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Okay, it's up to you!"

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