In the evening, not long after Mu Yue had a good dinner, Yu Yunxuan and others arrived at the Mu's compound.

Before coming, I called and informed, otherwise, other people would not be allowed to come in, and they had to report in advance.

Yu Yunxuan and a group of people came to Mu Yue's room all of a sudden.

Seeing the little guy lying in Mu Yue's arms, his eyes were about to close in a daze.

"Is this my godson?" Mu Zhitong bent over excitedly, looking at the little guy in Mu Yue's arms.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, gently patted the little guy on the back, coaxing him, "Yes!"

"It's so cute!" Mu Zhitong poked the little guy's fleshy little cheek lightly with her finger.

The little guy felt that someone poked his face and opened his eyes reluctantly, his mouth squashed, and he was about to cry.

"Don't poke, make the little guy cry!" Ouyang Mengxi quickly reminded Mu Zhitong.

Mu Zhitong said very aggrieved and dissatisfied, "Where do I have it, I just touched it lightly!"

Mu Yue smiled, and while comforting the little guy in her arms, she explained softly, "This little guy is going to bed. You interrupted him to sleep, so that's why he cried! Good deed, mommy's baby, good deed Sleeping puppet!"

When Mu Zhitong heard this, she snorted, "I said, I didn't poke the pain!"

"That was also awakened by you!" Ouyang Mengxi reminded.

Mu Zhitong said unwillingly, "Oh, who made this little guy sleep, I came to see him specially, so I don't give me the godmother face!"

"Hush!" Su Yunxi put a finger on her lips to stop Mu Zhitong from speaking, "Don't talk so loudly!"

Mu Zhitong covered her mouth, nodded, and said softly, "Oh oh oh!"

"It looks like Xiao Junyan!" Yu Yunxuan took a look and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and looked at the little guy in her arms lovingly, "Yes, very like his father!"

"Where is Xiao Junyan? Why didn't he stay by your side and take care of you?" Yuan Xiao frowned and asked Mu Yue.

Naturally, Mu Yue would not tell them about Xiao Junyan's injury. She found other excuses and said with a smile, "Today the news about me and the little guy is announced. The company has a lot of things to deal with. He has to deal with it!"

"It's up to him to deal with it. You have done a great job and gave birth to him such a big fat and lovely son!" Su Yunxi nodded in agreement and said, believing what Mu Yue said.

Xiang Tianhe asked Mu Yue expectantly, "The little guy is born, when do you plan to go back to school?"

Mu Yue looked at the little guy in his arms, originally thinking that he planned to go to school earlier, but only when she was born she knew that her heart was on this little guy, and how could she still think about going to school!

It is estimated that during class, she has to wonder if this little guy will cry, will he be hungry.

"Maybe until the sophomore year begins!" Mu Yue said helplessly, "Now this little guy can't do without me. When the sophomore year begins, he can almost leave!"

Everyone nodded.

Originally, it was evening, and the little guy was going to sleep again, so everyone didn't dare to bother, chatting for a while, after looking at the little guy, he went back.

Anyway, it is very convenient for them to see the little guy in the future.

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