When the news spreads, even people who shouldn't know will know, and those who should know will naturally know.

Christopher Hampton said that he was very happy when he heard that Mu Yue had already given birth and that he had given birth to a fat son.

This means that Mu Yue can help him treat the illness.

When he came to China, he could only wait because of Mu Yue's pregnancy. Later, he could be treated with difficulty, and the Fan family's incident happened again, which made Mu Yue unable to treat him.

Now I finally hope that Mu Yue can give him a chance to see a doctor, how could he miss it?

Howard Hawkes represented Christopher Hampton in coming to Mu's house to visit Mu Yue, and to see Mu Yue's son.

Mu Yue saw Howard Hawks coming and greeted with a smile, "Doctor Howard, you are here!" Howard Hawks smiled and handed Mu Yue a small gift box and said, "Congratulations, Miss Mu, this It's a gift from me to the little baby!"

"Thank you!" Mu Yue smiled and accepted the gift from Howard Hawkes, knowing that foreigners don't like twitching, so she readily accepted the gift.

"Doctor Howard, go back and talk to Mr. Christopher, when my confinement is over, I will go to see him!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Howard Hawkes.

At this time, Howard Hawks came, most likely to have listened to Christopher's order, came to inquire about her, whether he could heal his illness.

In fact, after realizing that his cultivation had broken through to the mid-stage of refining the void and the path, he also found that the abilities of his eyes had returned.

She was able to check the patient's physical condition through the power of her eyes.

This also gave Mu Yue a lot of confidence and was able to treat Christopher Hampton's condition with Chinese medicine.

Howard Hawks came for this purpose. Hearing Mu Yue's words, his face showed joy and nodded, "Then there is Miss Laumu. When the full moon banquet comes, Mr. Christopher said, I hope he can also attend and give gifts!"

Christopher didn't know Mu Yue, so he could only let Howard Hawkes come, but he also brought his words.

If Mu Yue can treat him, then let Howard Hawks explain on his behalf that he will give gifts to her and the little guy.

"Then thank Mr. Christopher for me!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded.

She knew that Christopher Hampton had been waiting for herself for a long time, hoping that she could help him treat his illness.

He couldn't let him down, and let him see the magic of Hua Xia Country's Chinese Medicine, making him a fan of Hua Xia.

Christopher Hampton helps Chinese medicine propaganda. If Chinese medicine doctors want to go abroad, it must be a lot easier.

Healing Christopher Hampton’s disease is simply multiplying, and she has no reason not to do it.

"This is what I should!" Howard Hawkes said with a smile, "I also hope to drink your son's full moon wine!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "This is natural. I will send someone to send an invitation when that happens!"

She has been in hiding for a long time, it's time to go out and walk around. It's best to go out when the little guy is full of wine.

"Good, good!" Howard Hawkes nodded happily.

Howard Hawkes chatted with Mu Yue for a while, looked at the little guy who was alone on the bed holding his little hands and feet, and praised him a lot.

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