Mu Yue's life here is joyful, but on the other side, the life of Shangguan family, Nangong Banquet, and Elder Qing is dark.

Because Mu Haixuan found them.

Elder Ting, Nangong Yan, and Elder Qing looked at Mu Haixuan who was full of murderous intent, and their bodies couldn't help but shudder.

They didn't know why Mu Haixuan knew they were here.

"Mu...Mu Haixuan, why are you here!" Elder Ting pointed at Mu Haixuan and asked.

Mu Haixuan sneered and looked at Elder Ting mockingly.

Should he be lucky? Fortunately, Elder Ting and the three of them all lived in the ancient martial world.

For this reason, Elder Ting and the others are not very clear about the development of science and technology and communication in the outside world, and they do not understand that their mobile phones are monitored by him.

It can only be said that Elder Ting and the others are like people from ancient times who have come to the modern age. They don't know how to use communication equipment at all. They can only use mobile phones to make calls for the time being.

The Internet hasn't been able to spread into the ancient martial arts world, let alone the young man Nangong Yan.

They know how to practice in retreat, where they have time to play with their phones, and they don't even know what networks.

This also gave Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan convenience, and it was very easy to monitor them.

Regarding Elder Ting and their doubts, how could Mu Haixuan tell them, after that, it would be bad for them to be on guard next time.

"How did I know? Haha... If you don't know what you can do!" Mu Haixuan looked at the trio of Elder Ting with a sneer.

He just waited until the three of them had met before he came over and caught it upright. If they wanted to deny it, they couldn't deny it.

"You!" Elder Qing and the others stared at Mu Haixuan with an aura. At this time, they were angry, worried and anxious.

They didn't know what Mu Haixuan would do to them after he knew their plan.

Mu Haixuan looked at the three of Elder Ting and Elder Qing mockingly, "You want to kill my daughter Xiaoyue, do you think I will sit back and wait for death?"

These people actually wanted to kill Mu Yue with one corpse and two lives. When he heard the news, he really wanted to kill them directly.

It's just that, now they come to the secular world with missions, saying that the two armies will not be cut in battle, not to mention that they are not really two armies.

So even if he couldn't kill the three of them, he still had to come and discuss "life" with them!

"You want to kill me!" Elder Ting stared at Mu Haixuan angrily, threatening viciously, "If you dare to kill me, you just wait for the anger of the entire Shangguan family. When that happens, not only you will die, but also you. Mu Yue, and your newborn grandson, all will die!"

Who are they? They are the Shangguan family, one of the four major families in the ancient martial world, and he is also the elder of the Shangguan family. Mu Haixuan dared to kill him.

"Heh, I won't kill you!" A thick killing intent flashed through Mu Haixuan's eyes, and he said mockingly, "But even if you don't kill you, I can let you understand what life is better than death!"

"Do you dare!" Nangong Yan listened, his body shivering, and angrily pointed at Mu Haixuan, "Mu Haixuan, you dare to hurt me, my grandfather will never let you go, nor will Nangong Yuehua let go !"

Mu Haixuan raised his head, his cold eyes met the Nangong Banquet and squinted, "Hehe, don't let me and Yuehua go. You didn't let us go back then, let alone now! This time, I will not only bring Yuehua with you. Leaving the Nangong family, leaving the ancient martial arts world, will also make you pay a heavy price for what you did to our family in the past!"

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