Fifteen minutes later, even if Xiao Junyan didn't want to wake Mu Yue, she had no choice but to wake her up.

Mu Yue was awakened and slowly opened his eyes. The fatigue on his face was less than before, but it was still a little weak.

Looking at the seat he was in, his cheeks flushed, and a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, and he quickly said, "Let me down first!"

Xiao Junyan put Mu Yue down from his arms, but still put his arms around her shoulders and helped her to the bed.

Mu Yue reached out and took off all the silver needles from Christopher Hampton.

When the silver needles were all removed, Christopher Hampton slowly opened his eyes.

Christopher Hampton was still a little confused when he woke up, staring blankly at the snow-white ceiling.

"Mr. Christopher, the first treatment is done!" Mu Yue said to Christopher Hampton.

When Christopher Hampton heard Mu Yue's words, he turned his head and sat up, feeling that his whole body was refreshed and relaxed.

"So comfortable!" Christopher Hampton exclaimed.

Mu Yue smiled lightly and said remindingly, "Mr. Christopher, you should take a bath first, and then check it out!"

When Christopher Hampton heard Mu Yue's words, he was taken aback, looked down at his body, and immediately smelled a disgusting stench, covered his mouth, and screamed.

"What is this?" Christopher Hampton asked Mu Yue, staring in shock.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "These are the toxins in your body. I will use a silver needle to expel them from your body!"

"So it is!" Christopher nodded, got up quickly, and went to take a bath.

Christopher Hampton opened the door and was surrounded by a group of Western and Chinese medicine experts.

"Mr. Christopher, how is your health?"

Everyone looked at Christopher Hampton with expectant eyes.

Christopher Hampton waved his hand and said, "I'll take a shower first, and then you will take me to check!"

After speaking, I went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

A group of Chinese and Western medicine experts stared at each other.

And Xiao Junyan in the treatment room said to Mu Yue, "Let's go back first, you need a good rest!"

He doesn't care whether Mu Yue's treatment is successful or not, he only cares about Mu Yue's physical condition.

Seeing the pale and weak appearance of Mu Yue's small face, Xiao Junyan couldn't help but feel pain and dismay.

Regret for letting Mu Yue treat Christopher.

"Well, when Christopher comes out, I will say goodbye again!" Mu Yue smiled comfortingly at Xiao Junyan and nodded gently.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue sideways again, letting her lean in his arms.

Mu Yue was hugged like this again, a layer of blush appeared on her cheeks, and she said with some dissatisfaction, "Hurry up and let me go, there are outsiders!"

There are many Chinese and Western medicine experts out there, and she would be ashamed of her holding it like this.

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, they dare not say anything!"

What do they dare to say, he will never let them go.

Mu Yue was very speechless at once, this is not the problem now, okay? She herself is thin-skinned!

She already felt a lot of scorching gazes at her.

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