Chen Yukun walked in, looked at Mu Yue who was in Xiao Junyan's arms, and asked concerned, "Mu Yue, is your body okay?"

Mu Yue shook his head, and said comfortingly, "It's okay, it's just strength off!"

"It's okay!" Chen Yukun knew that Mu Yue was okay, and then nodded comfortably, and asked curiously, "Then...what happened to Mr. Christopher's illness?"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "For the specific situation, after you wait for Mr. Christopher to take a bath, please check his whole body again!"

She said now that they probably didn't believe it either. It would be better to wait for them to examine Christopher Hampton and then see the changes in their health.

When Chen Yukun heard Mu Yue's words, they could only shut their mouths and stopped talking.

Now the Western and Chinese medicine experts are waiting for Christopher to give him a full-body examination after he comes out of the bath to confirm his physical condition.

Christopher Hampton walked out after taking a shower.

As soon as Xiao Junyan saw Christopher coming out, he hugged Mu Yue and walked over. They wanted to check it, but Mu Yue had to go home and rest quickly.

Before everyone spoke, he said, "Mr. Christopher, my wife is a little unwell, I want to take her back to rest!"

Christopher Hampton nodded when he saw Mu Yue's appearance, "Well, Miss Mu will take a lot of rest after she goes back. I will send you the examination materials after my medical examination is over!"

"No need to send it, I can come again tomorrow!" Mu Yue said lightly, "Then I will leave first. I believe that Mr. Christopher will be very satisfied with today's first treatment!"

Christopher nodded, with a bright smile on his face, "I can feel that today is more relaxed and comfortable than after your old master Dongfang doctor treated me, and it feels as if I didn't get sick!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded and greeted everyone before leaving.

Originally, the Chinese and Western medicine experts wanted Mu Yue to stay, but facing Xiao Junyan's cold eyes, they closed his mouth quickly, not daring to keep Mu Yue.

"Then I will leave first!" Mu Yue said to Chen Yukun and the others, "I will come back tomorrow!"

Chen Yukun and they all nodded, "Okay!"

After everyone watched Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan leave, they hurriedly dragged Christopher to check their bodies.

"Mr. Christopher, we need to do a full-body examination for you to determine your current physical condition!"

"Yes, Mr. Christopher, can you tell me about your current physical condition?"

Everyone is asking Christopher every word.

Christopher was very happy to tell them about his physical condition. He was also looking forward to it, not knowing if his illness was really cured.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan didn't care about how Christopher checked Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan in the hospital.

Xiao Junyan put Mu Yue in the passenger seat of the car, helped her fasten her seat belt, and shook her hand, "Don't do this kind of thing again!"

Mu Yue opened his eyes, looked at Xiao Junyan, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and nodded, "Okay, I get it!"

"It's good to know that you can do it!" Xiao Junyan said in disbelief.

Mu Yue blushed, shut her mouth, closed her eyes, and didn't want to talk. Xiao Junyan really said that she didn't have a long memory.

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