Xiao Junyan was very upset that his son disturbed Mu Yue to rest, but when he saw his son so hungry, he closed his mouth.

Seeing his son's pitiful appearance, he couldn't get angry even though he wanted to be angry.

Mu Yue leaned on the bed, looked at the little guy in his arms, took the napkin and wiped the milk from the corner of his mouth.

"Snack goods, eat so fast!" Mu Yue said this to the little guy in his arms angrily.

Tang Yalan looked at the little guy, and asked Mu Yue with concern, "Yue'er, is your body okay?"

"It's okay!" Mu Yue smiled and shook her head, comforting Tang Yalan, "Mom, I need a rest later, you take care of the little stone!"

"Okay!" Tang Yalan nodded, looking at the little guy dozingly.

Xiao Junyan grabbed the little guy's little hand, his eyes flashed with a gentle and helpless expression.

This is his own son. Even if he is dissatisfied, he can't help but when he grows up, he can practice hard and get a little revenge.

At this time, the little guy who was drinking milk and drinking with relish, didn't know that he had been missed by his grudged father.

Mu Yue gently touched the little guy's head and looked at him until he was full.

The little guy is getting bigger and bigger, and her appetite is getting bigger and bigger. She is worried that she will not be able to supply this little guy to drink in the future.

After feeding the milk, the little guy lay in Mu Yue's arms, drinking and playing.

"Mom, all right!" Xiao Junyan immediately reminded his mother Tang Yalan when he saw the little guy like this.

Now Mu Yue still needs to rest, so I can't let this brat bother him.

Tang Yalan nodded, knowing that Mu Yue was tired now, and picked up the little guy from Mu Yue's arms.

However, the little guy hadn't been held by Mu Yue for a long time, and was a little reluctant. He was taken away by Tang Yalan, and he cried loudly, just unwilling to leave.

"Smelly boy, go play with your grandma!" Xiao Junyan frowned dissatisfied and taught the little guy.

The little guy still looked at Mu Yue with tears in his eyes, and looked pitiful, as if he was abandoned.

Mu Yue felt distressed and said to Tang Yalan, "Mom, let him sleep with me for a while!"

"Well, it will disturb you!" Tang Yalan said with concern.

Mu Yue smiled, and said, "Jun Yan is still here! It's okay!"

Xiao Junyan was a little reluctant to take this stinky boy here, because he stayed here, he had to lie between himself and Mu Yue, he couldn't hold his relatives and his wife.

What an obstacle, he had known that he wouldn't be born so early.

Mu Yue took the little guy from Tang Yalan's arms to her own, patted it lightly, the little guy stopped crying.

Then he put the little guy on the bed and lay down with himself.

The little guy didn't cry either, holding his little fist and licking it in his mouth, he looked very happy and comfortable.

Mu Yue patted the little guy's chest lightly, also very tired.

"Mom, you go now, if there is anything, I will take care of it!" Xiao Junyan had no choice but to let the little guy pester them.

Tang Yalan nodded helplessly, and left the room first.

Xiao Junyan watched Mu Yue quickly fall asleep, feeling a little helpless. He looked at the little guy who was lying on the bed, kicking his chubby legs in excitement.

"Smelly boy, when you grow up, let me see how I train you!" Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he gritted his teeth.

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