In the Chinese Medicine Hospital, Christopher was arranged by a group of doctors to do a series of examinations. All the examinations were checked, and none of them fell.

All inspection reports are obtained in advance and at the fastest speed.

After getting all the reports, everyone gathered in the conference room, and Christopher Hampton was also there.

Although Christopher Hampton is very confident in Mu Yue's treatment, he still believes more in some inspection materials.

"how can that be?"

"My God, how is this done?"

"Isn't this true? How is this possible?"

"How exactly did Mu Yue do it, and the effect is so good!"

All western doctors were shocked and unbelievable compared with the information they checked before.

They never thought it was true.

"Doctor Howard, how is my condition?" Christopher asked Howard Hawkes and other doctors curiously.

Howard also had a look of shock on his face, and his voice was trembling, "Mr. Christopher, you... your illness is obviously much better than what was checked in the previous two days, nearly one-fifth better."

Knowing that Mu Yue was about to be out of confinement, everyone checked Christopher's whole body before she was out of confinement.

These examination materials are all compared by them, so that they can compare Mu Yue's treatment results.

Christopher agreed with this, so he let them toss himself for a long time, because he also wanted to see the comparison.

"Really?" Christopher now had a look of shock and disbelief on his face after hearing Dr. Howard's words.

He didn't expect that his illness would have been cured by one-fifth.

"Yes, we didn't expect that Mu Yue's treatment would be so effective!" A western medical expert in a medical team said with a shocked expression on his face.

Another western medical expert admired and said, "I have never seen such a magical treatment, and it actually cures one-fifth of it! Is this Chinese medicine? I didn't believe in this magical Chinese medicine before!"

"In the past, we were too short-sighted. A Chinese proverb said, frogs at the bottom of the well, we are the frogs at the bottom of the well! Before, there was no knowledge!"

"Chinese medicine? It seems that I will learn more about Chinese medicine in the future! From now on I can no longer underestimate Chinese medicine, nor can I regard Chinese medicine as pseudoscience!

Had it not been for this piece of information in front of him, he couldn't believe that the medical skills of Chinese medicine were so superb and so miraculous.

He immediately felt that he was too short-sighted before.

Several Chinese medicine experts also have shocked expressions on their faces, but many of them are still happy and excited.

Can you not be happy and excited?

Needless to say, what the situation like this means now represents the meaning of it.

I think that because of this case, the development of Chinese medicine is getting better and better. These old Chinese medicine doctors finally see the opportunity and hope of the rise of Chinese medicine.

Even if they are dead, they can look down.

"Good, good, really good!"

"Mu Yue is worthy of being the proud woman of our TCM community, worthy of our hope, and only she can carry forward the Chinese medicine of our country."


Several old Chinese doctors saw tears in their old eyes, and they were very excited and happy.

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