Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3480: Raising a woman is a matter of a man 2

Mu Yue sat in the car, smiled and took out the check that Christopher Hampton gave him, pinched the two sides of the check in both hands, took it in front of him, and gave him a hard kiss.

Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at Mu Yue's appearance, frowned, and was very dissatisfied with why Mu Yue wanted to kiss such a check?

"What's a good kiss?" Xiao Junyan said with a bit of dissatisfaction, and with a strong jealousy.

The corners of Mu Yue's mouth twitched fiercely, she really didn't know what to say.

"I just saw so much money, I was a little excited!" Mu Yue quickly explained.

Although Mu Yue was very sweet in her heart, she still unconsciously sighed in her heart, alas, this guy is really getting more jealous and getting more and more uncomfortable.

"You are not allowed to kiss in the future!" Even though Xiao Junyan had listened to Mu Yue's explanation, he frowned and said remindingly.

Mu Yue nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I won't be anymore!"

This guy seems to absolutely not be able to kiss others in front of him in the future. Not only is he jealous of his own son, he is jealous even if this is just a piece of paper. He is really drunk.

"Want money?" Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue still concerned.

Mu Yue collected the check and put it in her own space, and said with a smile, "After all, this is money, no one will dislike it! The more money is naturally the better! We have a son, That's a bank, and you have to spend money to marry a wife in the future. This is all the wife's origin!"

Xiao Junyan frowned tightly when he heard the words, and his voice was a little cold, "No, you don't need the money!"

That stinky boy, let his wife make him a wife's money!

When Mu Yue heard this, she raised her eyebrows and turned her head to look at Xiao Junyan, and curled her lips. This guy was starting to be jealous of his son again.

"Hehe..." Mu Yue smiled and asked curiously, "I don't need this money, so who will?"

Xiao Junyan said coldly, "He will earn it himself, he doesn't need you to do it!"

"He? He is so young, how can he make money!" Mu Yue said with an embarrassment when he heard it.

Xiao Junyan frowned, and said in dissatisfaction, "He can't, I'll come!"

That stinky boy, if he wants to make money for himself, or he is giving the money, where can Mu Yue make money for him? It's so comfortable too!

"Okay, anyway, I don't want to be so tired. In the future, it's up to you to make money, so I will relax!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Xiao Junyan stretched out his hand, touched Mu Yue's head, and said dozingly, "I was the one to support you, you don't need to work hard!"

Mu Yue enjoyed it and let Xiao Junyan touch her head.

"From now on, you don't have to work too hard about your son's affairs. I'll take care of it, and you can rest well!" Xiao Junyan turned his head and reminded Mu Yue gently.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan with a smile, "You guy, you are jealous again, even your own son is jealous. If you let others know, I might have to laugh at you!"

"The sweetness of sweetness!" Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue dozingly, his eyes full of love.

People just laugh if they want to laugh. He loves his wife. What's wrong and what's wrong?

Mu Yue held his chin in both hands and looked obsessively at the man who was driving seriously. Alas, his own man was actually more handsome.

Of course, men who are considerate to women are more handsome.

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