Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3481: Raising a woman is a man's thing 3

When Mu Yue returned home, before she entered the hall, she heard the cry of a baby.

Hearing the cry, Mu Yue hurriedly walked in and asked concerned, "What's the matter?"

As soon as Tang Yalan saw that Mu Yue had returned, she quickly handed the little guy to her, "You can hurry up and see him, it won't be easy to coax him, hey, I guess I just want to stick to you!"

Mu Yue took the little guy into his arms and patted his back lightly, "Hey, baby, stop crying, Mommy is here! Stop crying!"

The little guy lay in Mu Yue's arms, and the crying gradually stopped, just sobbing silently, a pair of fleshy little hands grasping the skirt of Mu Yue's chest.

Mu Yue walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, took the napkin and wiped off the tears and snot and saliva on the little guy's face.

"Little guy, you're really getting dirty, all the tears and nose are wiped on Mommy's face!" Mu Yue reluctantly complained to the little guy in his arms.

This kid is really too difficult to deal with, it is even harder than Xiao Junyan to deal with.

Xiao Junyan came over, knelt down, and wiped off the mess on the little guy's face with a napkin.

"So dirty! This is my son!" Xiao Junyan frowned and said disgustingly.

Mu Yue couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, "Puff!"

"It was the same when you were a kid!" Tang Yalan glared at Xiao Junyan and said.

Mu Yue couldn't help laughing louder. He raised his head and laughed, looking sympathetically at Xiao Junyan, who had a dark face.

"Mom!" Xiao Junyan turned and frowned at Tang Yalan.

Tang Yalan smiled, and said without giving face, "This is your son, and he is like you too! Exactly the same, this face is full of tears and nose, especially like!"

After seeing the little guy being comforted, Mr. Xiao, who played chess with Mr. Mu, said with a smile, "As the saying goes, when a dragon gives birth to a dragon and a phoenix, Lao Tzu and his son are naturally the same. At that time, your boy was difficult to deal with! I started crying, my old man was so noisy!"

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan with a gleeful look, "Who let you bully your son!"

Xiao Junyan glared at Mu Yue helplessly again, really didn't know what to say, did he do this when he was a child?

Seeing someone upset, Mu Yue slapped everyone's attention quickly, "Oh, yes, mom, I want to take a full moon photo of Little Stone, what do you think?"

In later generations, it is especially popular to take pictures of the full moon, the first year of the year, and so on.

It's just that because I was exhausted in order to treat Christopher before, and now my body has recovered, I can go to shoot.

"Full moon?" Tang Yalan asked puzzledly.

Mu Yue nodded, smiled and looked at the little guy in his arms, "Record this little guy's meaningful days!"

"This is good, go to shoot, you have to do it!" Father Mu immediately agreed.

In the past, even if he wanted to see Xiao Yue'er, he couldn't see it. Every time he thought about it, his heart hurt.

What Mu Yue said now is to keep the memories, which is also very good. Looking back at the photos in the future, it is also a very good memory.

Elder Xiao also nodded in agreement, "Well, but it's not bad, I have to take a few more shots!"

"Okay, then I'm going to make an appointment for a photo studio!" Xiao Junyan nodded and nodded the little guy's nose in Mu Yue's arms.

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