Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3482: The little guy takes a full moon photo 1

Xiao Junyan made an appointment for the little guy to go down the next day.

In the morning, after Mu Yue treated Christopher well, she took the little guy to the photo studio when she returned home.

When the owner of the photo studio received a call from Xiao Junyan, he was naturally shocked and delighted.

However, Xiao Junyan also reminded that this matter is not allowed to be spread, so there is only one cameraman besides the boss this afternoon.

As soon as the boss saw Xiao Junyan, he greeted him with a smile, "Mrs. Xiao, Young Master, Mrs. Xiao, Young Master, you are here!"

"Boss, quickly take out all the cute clothes in your store and put them on my little nephew!" Xiao Fengyi said to the boss quickly.

Today, everyone is almost mobilized for the full moon photo of the little guy.

Originally, Elder Xiao and Elder Mu were going to come together, but if these two elders came out, they had to be followed by a large army, and that would not work.

Therefore, in the end the two elders did not come out, but many people in the family also came out.

Xiao Fengyi was the first one to come up. After hearing Mu Yue's suggestion, she also felt it was very necessary.

Therefore, Du Xueqin strongly wanted to come over when he heard the news.

The third aunt also came from the Mu's side, and the other aunts didn't come when they needed to deal with family affairs.

"Good, good!" The boss quickly took Xiao Fengyi and the others in, "Miss Xiao, please come inside. I have bought a lot of children's clothes!"

Few people in this era will take pictures of the full moon for their children, so the bosses will buy these clothes when they are new.

"Okay!" Xiao Fengyi nodded, and grabbed Du Xueqin to look at the clothes together, "Go, let's choose clothes first!"

The little guy was asleep before he came. Xiao Junyan lifted the clothes on the little guy and looked at the little guy. "Still asleep!"

"It's okay!" Mu Yue looked at the little guy in his arms with a smile, and said, "Okay, give you a hug, and I'll choose clothes too!"

Xiao Junyan nodded and took the sleeping little guy in Mu Yue's arms.

Mu Yue looked at the little guy not waking up, and went to choose clothes for the little guy with peace of mind.

When they came to the locker room, Mu Yue saw Xiao Fengyi and the others were choosing clothes.

People outside knew whether Mu Yue's child was a boy or a girl, let alone the boss.

Therefore, the children's clothes bought by this boss are all boys, and they are also quite satisfactory.

Mu Yue looked around, but frowned, turned around and asked the boss, "Boss, do you have girl clothes?"

"Girl's clothes?" The boss was taken aback, with a surprised look on his face. He turned to look at the little guy who was in his arms by Xiao Junyan. "Could it be...Mrs. Xiao, the daughter was born?"

Damn it, the news from the outside is true or false!

The boss who was questioned was very aggrieved and depressed, and scolded people outside for spreading false news.

Mu Yue twitched the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, "No, naturally I gave birth to a son!"

"Oh, that's good!" The boss was confirmed, and then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but asked inexplicably, "Why does Mrs. Xiao Shao want women's clothing?"

The boy is born, so why do you want women's clothing?

"I came to take pictures. Naturally, I wanted to take pictures that are more distinctive and have special meaning, so I want to take some women's clothing!" Mu Yue said with an excited smile at the corner of her mouth.

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