Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3494: Expanded management team 3

Ouyang promised that their group would be very reluctant to give up the little guys, and would not go to meetings.

There are so few chances to see the little guy, and he is so cute that he can't let it go.

"Okay, let's have a meeting first, and we will have a branch meeting later. Other people who don't need a meeting can still go to see the little stone!" Mu Yue looked at the reluctance of a group of people, reminding a little helplessly.

With Mu Yue's permission, everyone went to the meeting with peace of mind.

In the meeting room, in addition to the people who followed in Mu Yue's office just now, there are other people who are all newly promoted employees.

First, Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company, the original two giants Qiu Moge and Ouyang Promise, now also added a Junli.

Originally, Ouyang Promise was responsible for medicines, and was also responsible for the prescription and over-the-counter medicines of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company. Qiu Moge was responsible for cosmetics and Junli was responsible for the medical company of the military region.

Qiu Moge, a Chinese medicine planting base, was also transferred to the new person in charge, Qi Chuan.

After Dream Cosmetics Company got married in Anqing, Mu Yue took the time to check the employees in the company and chose a woman named Yun Shushu as Anqing's deputy.

The head of Hengyue Real Estate Company is still Qin Shaoyang, but Xia Yan is also added as a deputy, but Xia Yan manages the design department, which is responsible for the design of the project.

As the number of branches in the medicated food hall increased, Ling Hong also selected a deputy Ning Xi who had good performance and abilities from the medicated food halls.

Bai Xiche, who was originally a logistics company about to turn into a courier company, couldn't be too busy alone, and added a deputy, Lu Mohan.

The Dragon Shield Security Company is still Yin Yun. If it is to be called a deputy, it is Chu Zhiming. After all, he is also a retired special force.

Shopping malls and hotels in various places gradually rose up, and Mu Yue also recruited Bai Chen and Ye Yan to take charge of the shopping malls and hotels respectively.

As for the newly opened Internet company, it was led by Mo Lieye, with Mu Yunqing and Su Mu as his deputy.

There is also a management company to invest, that is, to analyze the future development of Huaxia Country and analyze the value-added situation of the land in various places. This is only enough for Ye Qianze.

In the entire conference room, there were nearly 20 people who were the backbone of the entire Longteng Group.

"A lot of new faces have come!" Mu Yue greeted the new employees with a smile.

All of these additional deputies need to be approved by Mu Yue, and they have all been seen by Mu Yue. Of course, it is for Mu Yue to see their faces, whether they are the kind of trustworthy people.

However, these people didn't know that they were letting Mu Yue look at his face, thinking it was an interview. Whether he succeeded depends entirely on Mu Yue's words.

Therefore, almost all the newcomers here have only met for the second time.

This is really because Mu Yue is not only too busy, but also because of physical reasons, it is impossible to meet with them more and exchange work.

"The team is getting bigger and bigger!" Mu Yue also said with some emotion, "I hope, ten years later, twenty years later, everyone will still be there! The team will be more and more people!"

It is completely impossible for Mu Yue not to be proud of the company's current achievements.

After listening to Mu Yue's words, everyone looked at each other and all smiled. They all believed that as long as Longteng Company did not fail, they would all be in this company.

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