Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3495: Expanded management team 4

"Okay, today, we will have a meeting now!" Mu Yue just expressed his emotions, and soon got to the point, and said solemnly, "Everyone should report on the situation of their company first!"

The meeting went smoothly, and each company under the Longteng Group developed very well, which made Mu Yue very satisfied and gratified.

"The report is over, now let’s talk about the future direction of Longteng Group’s development!" Mu Yue said solemnly to everyone, "You have a plan at hand, and our future development will be based on network development. This requires the three of you, Mo Lieye, Mu Yunqing, and Su Mu, to take the lead to compile online video sites and shopping sites as soon as possible!"

Under Longteng Group, Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company, Dream Cosmetics Company and Logistics Company will be inseparable from the future development of the website in the future.

And Hengyue Real Estate Company now also needs to build the distribution center needed by the network company.

In the future, all companies will revolve around network companies, so that's why there is today's meeting of heads of all companies.

It's just that the network hasn't really developed yet, and now it's just a network department in the Longteng Group.

However, after the online video website was established, Mu Yue planned to establish an Internet company, but it was still a little early.

Mo Lie nodded and reported, "I recently recruited a small group of new graduates who are about to graduate. They have also passed the assessment and are now joining the team. They will definitely be able to complete the task on time or ahead of schedule!"

The content of the assessment is still the same, but the method is somewhat different, but at least, the character can still pass.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, and then reminded him, "The first online video website was launched. Only when it is launched, can the network department be separated and become an Internet company!"

Mo Lieye, Mu Yunqing and Su Mu all nodded, "Yes!"

Mu Yue looked at Bai Xiche again, "Bai Xiche, how is your logistics company preparing to transform into an express company?"

Bai Xiche reported, "In fact, there is not much preparation. The preliminary preparations have been completed. The main problems are vehicles, venues, and personnel. It is too early to prepare. I plan to wait until the second half of the year to start preparations. !"

This is a courier company transformed by a logistics company, and many things already exist.

"Well, these are not in a hurry, and the site is about to be built soon. The vehicle can choose a company to cooperate, sign a contract in advance, and let them prepare the car!" Mu Yue said lightly.

Since it is nationwide, there are so many vehicles, so it is natural to cooperate.

"I also have a vehicle design drawing specially delivered by a courier. You can also choose a company with good quality to cooperate and customize it. At that time, every delivery employee can be assigned to it!"

Many cars are born in time. There are no special delivery vehicles for couriers. Many of them are tricycles and bicycles.

Hearing this, Bai Xiche frowned and nodded, "Okay, then I will choose a company as soon as possible!"

Since it is nationwide, when this kind of car is allocated to each employee, there will be a lot of it, and it will not be possible to make so many at one time. At the beginning, we have to study how to produce it, so we must advance.

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