Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3498: Dragon Tower Elite Meeting 3

The development of the network department is almost semi-closed. Therefore, the outreach marketing department does not exist for the time being.

If the current news is spread now, then they will not be able to seize the opportunity.

Even if they really know it, and develop in time, it will be very fast. It is not much different from them. They have not taken the first opportunity for long. Therefore, everything belongs to the confidential stage.

The existence of the external network department is to develop working software and maintain the network services of the Longteng Group.

The meeting of the network department ended, followed by the meetings of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company, Dream Cosmetics Company, Medicinal Food Hall and Chinese Medicine Planting Base.

"I think, with the increase of branch factories and branches of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company, Dream Cosmetics Company and Medicinal Food Hall, the supply of medicinal materials for the Chinese medicine planting base can't come?" Mu Yue asked Qichuan, who is in charge of the Chinese medicine planting base.

Qi Chuan nodded and said sadly, "Yes, Mu Dong, now I have also discussed with President Qin to increase the scope of the planting base and buy a lot of land around, but still can't keep up with the speed. !"

Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "When will I take the time to look at the land, I also have some backups of the planting base, but the time is too busy and I have never been free!"

She had already expected this kind of thing to happen, but she was too busy, and because she was pregnant, she stayed at home for more than half a year.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, slightly guilty and embarrassed.

Qi Chuan nodded comfortably when he heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Yue turned to look at Junli, the military drug in charge of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company. "Junli, you are in charge of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company of the Military Region. How is the construction of the second phase of the project?"

Jun Li sat upright and reported, "Dong Mu, two-thirds of the second project of the Military Region has been completed. The interior decoration can be carried out at the end of this month, and the second project will definitely be put into use at the end of the year!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and after counting the time, it was now the end of May, and there was still nearly half a year left, which was almost the same.

"I will stay in Beijing for a period of time these few days. I have some new drugs here. You take these to the drug inspection department and prepare for the record. After the results are used, the military area is satisfied and put into production in the second project factory! "Mu Yue said again as ordered.

With a look of joy on Jun Li's face, he nodded, "Okay!"

He also knew Mu Yue's medical skills and the prescriptions she possessed.

Mu Yue turned his head again and looked at Qiu Moge. Now Qiu Moge is in charge of medicine and cosmetics. After inquiring about some information, he determined that it is time to add new products.

Ouyang promised to add some more prescriptions, increase the amount, and increase sales.

After all, a shopping website will be opened at the beginning of next year. When a shopping website is launched, the more products they sell, the better they can be sold.

"Mu Dong, you are really an active drug research institute!" When Mu Yue was about to take out some medicine, Qiu Moge chuckled and said jokingly.

Ouyang Promise also nodded in agreement, secretly admiring, "Yes!"

"This is the inheritance of our school, I just modified it a bit!" Mu Yue smiled faintly, without taking credit for pride.

She is just going to better carry forward the inheritance of the mysterious medicine school, now is not the age of self-cherishing.

If she cherishes her own broom and refuses to reveal anything, it will be really difficult for Chinese medicine to flourish.

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