Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3499: Dragon Group Elite Meeting 4

The meeting was almost over, and the little guy was hungry, Ye Qianze looked for the little guy who was crying with tears on his face.

I couldn't stand the cry of the little guy anymore. My father and mother were not there. The little guy gradually thought about it and started crying. No matter how comforting they were, they couldn't comfort him, so he could only hug him.

Mu Yue took the little guy from Ye Qianze and patted him on the back lightly, "Baby, are you hungry? I'll be fine soon!"

The little guy was sobbing and crying in Mu Yue, his little hand clutching the skirt of his clothes, looked very pitiful, making Mu Yue feel a little bit more guilty.

"I'm going to breastfeed first, so let's sit here for a while!" Mu Yue turned his head and said to everyone.

Everyone waved their hands, smiling all over their faces.

Knowing that the big and small guys are the biggest, they have to lean back in their affairs.

They all heard the cry of the little guy just now, and it was utterly shocking.

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue went to a small meeting room next door together, and Mu Yue nursed the little guy first.

Ye Qianze came, and found a seat to sit down and chat with everyone with a smile.

"Oh, I'm finally relieved, my ears are almost deaf, and my hair is almost finished!" Ye Qianze touched his head and ears, and said with emotion.

Ouyang promised to look at Ye Qianze with a playful smile, "Didn't you like it a while ago? You didn't like it so soon?"

"It's not that I don't like it, but I'm afraid!" Ye Qianze shook his head and said, "You don't know that when you don't cry, you are good and cute, but when you cry, you are simply crying!"

"Haha..." Everyone laughed when they heard it.

At first the little guy didn't cry, so everyone thought the little guy was very cute and liked it very much.

However, when I cried, it was as if he was a demon king, and they couldn't stand it.

In the end, he could only carry the little guy over to Mu Yue.

"The little baby is already behaved, okay!" Xia Yan who was following over said disapprovingly, "My brother's son, he is crying all day, and there is no such thing as Mu Dong's little baby! You should be thankful! "

Qin Shaoyang also nodded and said with a smile, very powerful, "That's right, if it's our family, let a stranger take it, it will take less than five minutes, I promise to cry!"

He is also a person with children, so he knows children very well, and the little guy is very well-behaved.

"So, Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng, the children of Mu Dong and Xiao Shao, can it be okay?" Qi Chuan said with a smile.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Mu Yue fed the little guy good milk, the little guy finally fell asleep, and asked Xiao Junyan to hug the little guy back to sleep first, and she continued to have a meeting here.

After a few meetings, things have been settled, and the sky is getting darker.

A group of people all met to go to the medicated food restaurant to have a meal, which can be considered to increase their feelings. After all, they all work under the Longteng Group.

Mu Yue originally wanted to refuse, but the family is still waiting, but after thinking about it, there are still some new elites who have not been well understood.

Therefore, Mu Yue also asked Xiao Junyan to contact her home, instead of preparing their dinner, they went to the medicinal restaurant together to bring the relationship closer, so that they could cooperate more smoothly in the future.

After this meal, the relationship between Mu Yue and these new employees is getting better and better.

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