Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3523: Xiao Shao regardless of occasion 3

Mu Yue stepped forward, first checked Catherine Messi's physical condition, sat on the bedside and took her pulse for a while, frowning slightly.

Catherine Messi’s condition is completely different from that of Christopher Hampton and Angelo Harman.

Because Catherine Messi’s stomach is missing, and her disease is also a recurrent stomach cancer.

Before that, Catherine Messi had stomach cancer, which was still in its infancy, so that piece was cut.

Because he was excised in time, fortunately, he was cured soon.

But how did you know that within a few years, Catherine Messi’s gastric cancer recurred again, and this recurrence went directly to the middle and late stages, and there was no way to remove it, because if it was cut again, the entire stomach was gone, and chemotherapy could only be used. .

And Catherine Messi's body collapsed directly because of stomach cancer, and one of the reasons why her body became so thin.

Now it is precisely because Catherine Messi's stomach is not intact, which makes Mu Yue's treatment more troublesome.

Seeing Mu Yue's serious look, Jason Voges, who was watching from the side, was also very worried and anxious.

"Doctor Mu, how is my wife's illness?" Jason Vohes asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue heard Jason Vaughs’s questioning words and came back to her senses, “Mr. Jason, your wife’s illness is more complicated than Mrs. Angelo and Mr. Christopher. After all, Mrs. Catherine’s stomach cancer is a recurrence. I also had a part of my stomach removed for the treatment of gastric cancer!"

Jason nodded, looking frustrated and helpless and said, "Yes, we thought it would be all right after the excision, but unexpectedly, it relapsed again!"

"Yes, but it is also because of recurrence. Therefore, your wife's disease is not as simple as their parents. The body is affected by the skin. It is the same, and a small part of it has a significant impact on the body, let alone the stomach!" Yue also said helplessly.

The parents of the body’s hair and skin are more than just this. There is also the fact that the body can be missing hair, but other things, especially those parts in the body, can’t be missing.

But Catherine Messi just lost a small piece of stomach, can this body get better?

"What should I do then? Dr. Mu, can you cure it?" After Jason Vohes listened, he became even more worried and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, "The treatment can be cured, but it will be more troublesome than Mrs. Angelo and the others, and it will take a little longer. Moreover, there is no way for this stomach to grow again. It will be more in the future. It’s good to take care of your body!"

Everything has been removed, and she has no way to make Catherine's stomach grow again. Even if it is possible, she will never do it. This is too shocking, and it is estimated that the person to be studied is her.

Jason Vaughs also knew what Mu Yue had said. How could something that were cut off grow back? It would be nice if it didn't deteriorate.

"I know that as long as Catherine's body can be recovered, it is already very good!" Jason Voges said to Mu Yue expectantly.

Mu Yue nodded, "Okay, I can treat Catherine right now. Next, I will give her injections every day, and drink the medicine in accordance with the prescriptions I give, as well as some conditioned medicinal diets. The recovery will be even better if you take multiple measures. Better!"

"Okay, okay!" Jason Vohes nodded in agreement with all Mu Yue said.

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