Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3524: Boil medicine ointment 1

Mu Yue gave Catherine acupuncture and moxibustion this time, but did not use too much strength. It is really that Catherine’s body is not suitable now, and a small part of her stomach can not be removed. She can only treat her little by little every day. Obviously slowed down a lot.

However, this also gave Mu Yue a chance to relax, without having to expend so much internal energy every day to help these people treat.

Helping Catherine with acupuncture is not so obvious, this Mu Yue has also talked to Jason Vohes.

Regarding this point, Jason Vohes did not complain, slow down and slow down, after all, they are in a special situation.

Moreover, Mu Yue also ordered that this medicine must be drunk completely, otherwise there is no way to cooperate with her treatment.

Jason Vohes sent Mu Yue out of his ward, grateful.

Qiu Lianghui breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Miss Mu, your medical skills are really amazing. I have only heard rumors before and thought they were exaggerating. Today I finally saw it. The rumors outside are still weak. I didn’t expect you to be able to cure such a difficult-to-treat disease. What a genius doctor!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said indifferently, "I don't want to let this news spread too much, otherwise, I will be too busy every day, but I still have to live my own life!"

Qiu Lianghui listened and nodded in agreement. Looking at the current situation, there are still many rich people waiting in line for treatment. There are still many rich people who are preparing to rush to China one after another. I'm here to find Mu Yue.

And he will also be responsible for them for a long time. It is estimated that if they don't leave, he will not be able to do his original job properly.

However, he also has a task to build a good relationship with them, and by the way, also discuss with them, and ask them if they have the intention to invest in China.

Just looking at how grateful they are to Mu Yue now, Qiu Lianghui felt that as long as he put forward this opinion, they would definitely agree.

After all, they are not fools. They know the national conditions of Huaxia and the relationship between Mu Haihua and Mu Yue. In order to win over Mu Yue, they just invest in Huaxia. Not only can they make money, but they can also make them and Mu Yue. Close relationship, this is simply a matter of killing two birds with one stone, why would they not agree?

"Miss Mu, you are now the savior of these patients, and also their hope. I just hope you can help them more!" Qiu Lianghui said very understanding.

Mu Yue nodded, thought for a while, and said, "You inform them that I will accompany my son on Children's Day. The patients to be treated are delayed for one day, I hope they can understand!"

Children's Day, this is the first Children's Day after the little guy came to the world. It is also very memorable, so Mu Yue intends to spend it with the little guy.

After all, she didn't accompany him well to treat the patient now, and she felt guilty when she thought about it.

Qiu Lianghui nodded, "Okay, I will talk to them one by one!"

The current initiative is entirely in Mu Yue's hands, so even if they have opinions, there is nothing to do.

"I can finish all the patients treated first in the morning, and I have finished today's work, so I will go back first!" Mu Yue said to Qiu Lianghui with a smile.

Qiu Lianghui said quickly, "Miss Mu, I'll give it to you!"

"No, you go and talk to those people, the things here are left to you, you are the best at negotiating such things, I am not good at it!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

When Qiu Lianghui heard the words, he secretly complained, what do you mean by no, he clearly wanted to be lazy!

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