Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3582: Happy patient family 3

A flame of hope and expectation burned in Angus's eyes, and he slowly took the first step.

Everyone watched with excitement as Angus stepped out and stomped on the ground, and a crisp sound came into everyone's ears.

Although Caroline and Eleanor were supporting Angus, they didn't exert much effort, and more of it was to make Angus stand firm, step forward, and exert force.

Watching Angus take the first step, although his body is a bit swaying, but he really took the first step and can walk.

There were tears of excitement in Angus's weather-beaten old eyes.

And the doctors wearing white coats in the ward were extremely excited and unbelievable, but more of them still looked like this.

They have witnessed one miracle after another, and now they see Angus can stand up and walk.

"Really able to walk!"

"It's amazing, Dr. Mu has actually created another miracle!"

"Doctor Mu's medical skills are really amazing, Chinese medicine is really amazing!"

"Is Chinese medicine really so magical? Why don't I understand Chinese medicine? Why can't I understand how Dr. Mu treats patients!"

Everyone was extremely excited, and their mood was very excited, and their voices trembled a bit, full of deep regret and unwillingness.

Angus took the second step and the third step, and the more he went, the more stable he went.

Seeing Angus's appearance, Mu Yue gave a satisfied smile and nodded gently.

"Dad, you are finally healed!" Eleanor said to Angus excitedly, tears also falling on his face.

Angus nodded heavily, with a big smile on his old face, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm finally fine, I'm really fine! Great, great, really great! "

At this moment, Angus is really excited and excited. He has never been so happy before. He is even more happy than when he founded the company.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Mr. Angus, your treatment is completely over. You only need to take the Chinese medicine I gave you. After one month of recuperation, your body will recover. However, in the future, you still have to control it. My mood!"

Hearing Mu Yue's instructions, Angus nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you Dr. Mu, thank you Dr. Mu!"

Mu Yue smiled, picked up the out-patient box, and said, "This is what I should. Okay, I'll go to see other patients first, Mr. Angus, you can contact me for half an hour, half an hour. After that, you have to lie in bed and rest again, and then ask the massage doctor I arranged for you to massage your muscles, and the recovery will be faster!"

"Okay, I will!" Angus nodded and quickly said to Eleanor, "Eleanor, hurry up and take out my treatment fee and give it to Dr. Mu!"

Eleanor recovered, nodded quickly, took out a check from the bag, and handed it to Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu!"

Mu Yue glanced at the check, and there was still 10 million dollars on the cheque, and asked, "Mr. Angus, you have already given me a treatment fee, and you don't need to pay it again!"

Angus said to Mu Yue excitedly, "This is a little bit of my heart. By the way, it is also a gift to Dr. Mu's son, and it is also my gratitude to Dr. Mu for allowing me to stand up. Please accept it. under!"

Mu Yue accepted it with a smile, "Then thank you Mr. Angus. I also hope that Mr. Angus can cooperate with us in the future. China is a very large country with a large population and a large territory. , Is a good choice for your company to develop!"

"I will, I will!"

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