Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3583: Happy patient family 4

After treating Angus, Mu Yue came to Xiaomiluo's ward.

Xiao Miluo was playing with his parents. When she saw Mu Yue coming in, a cute smile appeared on her little face, "Auntie!"

Mu Yue smiled and walked to Xiaomi Luo's bed, put the consultation box on the bed, and touched his little head, "Well, Xiaomi Luo, how good!"

Xiaomi Luo raised his head, looked at Mu Yue, blinked a pair of cute watery eyes, and asked, "Auntie, can I go out to play?"

"Go out to play?" Mu Yue looked at Xiaomi Luo with a smile.

Xiaomi Luo nodded, "Well, Mom and Dad said that if you want to go out to play, you have to ask auntie, and the auntie agrees, I can go out to play!"

When Jasper heard what Xiaomiluo said, he smiled helplessly and said to Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, I'm really sorry, Xiaomiluo has recovered a lot recently, and his energy is also very much, so he has been clamoring to go out to play! "

Mu Yue nodded, looked at Xiaomi Luo with a smile, and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Xiaomiluo tapped his cheek with a little finger, and shook his head, "I don't know! But Xiaomiluo is going out to play!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and said, "You can go out to play, but you can only go to one place, not too long, and not too tired, you know?"

"Really?" Xiaomiluo's eyes lit up, looking at Mu Yue, looking forward to it.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, really!"

Anita asked Mu Yue excitedly, very uncertain, "Doctor Mu, can we really take Mi Luo out to play?"

"Yeah! Yes, I can recommend you to go to the Summer Palace. The environment there is very good, and Xiao Miluo is not tired!" Mu Yue explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Jasper said happily, "Okay, then we will go to the Summer Palace and tomorrow!"

"That...Xiaomi Luo's body!" Anita asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue smiled and said, “It’s okay, as long as you don’t get too excited, it’s fine, um, you have to set off tomorrow and wait until I come. I will give you pills. If there is anything at the time, you can let Xiaomiluo take it. !"

Of course, she is still confident that even if Xiaomi Luo follows Anita and Jasper out, there will never be a problem.

However, in order to reassure Anita and Jasper, Mu Yue still went back to prepare a few pills for them to prepare.

"Okay!" Anita and Jasper listened and nodded quickly, very happy and excited.

They used to take Mi Luo out before, but when halfway through the game, Mi Luo's health would not be good, so they didn't go out again.

Now that Xiaomi Luo is going out, they can only ask Mu Yue if it is okay.

Now that Mu Yue's consent was obtained, he was finally relieved, and Xiao Miluo's body should have recovered a lot.

Mu Yue smiled and said to Xiaomi Luo, "Xiaomi Luo, Auntie helped you treat me!"

"Yeah!" Xiaomi Luo nodded his little head obediently, and lay on the bed proactively.

In order to go out to play tomorrow, Xiaomi Luo cooperated very well, but, even in normal times, he was very well-behaved, but today, there was an expectant smile on his small face.

Xiao Miluo's well-behaved, Mu Yue smiled softly and treated him.

Jasper and Angelo looked at Xiaomiluo receiving Mu Yue's treatment, with excited smiles on their faces.

They finally hope to see their son's body finally recovered. Parents, they are very happy.

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