Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3587: Little Dumpling Hundred Day Banquet 4

Mu Haihua laughed and joked at the little guy in Mu Yue's arms, "Your dumpling is really getting fatter, and I'm really worried that you will become a fat man without worrying about food and clothes!"

The smile on the little guy’s face disappeared instantly, his small mouth bulged, his big dark eyes, and he stared at Mu Haihua directly. There was an aura of looking at the world like Xiao Junyan’s eyes full of dominance. One fight.

Looking at Xiao Tuanzi with such a look, Mu Haihua and the others were all taken aback, and when they came back to their senses randomly, they laughed.

Elder Xiao said triumphantly, "As expected of Jun Yan's son, he really looks more and more like that kid!"

"Oh, do you understand Xiao Tuanzi?" Mu Haihua looked at Xiao Tuanzi in surprise.

Xiao Tuanzi snorted proudly, not wanting to speak, his little head got into Mu Yue's arms, and his little head rubbed against him, looking very aggrieved and pitiful.

He was said to be fat, he is not fat at all, he is also a handsome guy, OK!

"Hahaha, little baby is not sad anymore!" Mu Yue gently patted the little guy on the back, softly comforting, really a fragile little guy.

Elder Mu also stared at Mu Haihua in dissatisfaction, then comforted the little guy, "Huh, don't talk nonsense over there, our darling will be a handsome boy in the future, right?"

"I'm just kidding, I didn't expect this little guy to be so smart!" Mu Haihua explained to himself very innocently.

He really didn't expect that such a 100-day-old guy would be so smart, he even knew what they meant!

It seems that the brat in their family was not that smart before, and he knew that he was crying and peeing all day long there!

"Hmph, don't look at whose baby it is, our baby is naturally the smartest, with supernatural talent!" Elder Mu said proudly to Mu Haihua and the others.

For the grandson with such a genius, Don't mention how happy Mr. Mu is.

It's just that this kind of thing still cannot be told to outsiders, otherwise, his precious grandson will have to be sliced ​​and studied.

So I can only talk to my own people at this time.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and a smile flashed across her eyes, and said, "Actually, this is also because the cultivation base of Jun Yan and I have almost entered the innate. My body has been improved, and the child born will be full of aura. !"

Mu Haihua and the others nodded seemingly, they didn't understand anyway, but as long as they knew that their baby was smart.

"Little guy, really amazing!" Mu Haiwei said with a thumbs up at the little bun.

Mu Haixu also nodded, and said complimentingly to the little bun, "Well, the future achievements must be even better than your father!"

When the little bun heard Mu Haixu's last words, his small face appeared from Mu Yue's arms, and he giggled.

He likes to hear people say that his future achievements are better than his stinky.

"Hahaha, you kid, you still like to listen to flattery!" Mu Haixu was taken aback, and laughed haha, and said.

Mu Haixuan said triumphantly, "It's not flattery, but he is happy to hear that his future achievements are higher than his father's!"

My grandson is definitely better and more powerful than that stinky kid!

"This kid!" The crowd was speechless when they heard it, but they also laughed happily.

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