Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3588: Yunteng Network Technology Company 1

At the end of the little guy's Hundred Days Banquet, Mu Yue also took the time to head to the Longteng Building.

For nothing else, just because the video website has been created successfully, waiting for her to hold a press conference.

Moreover, under the trial of the employees of Longteng Group, many minor flaws have been changed to the most appropriate level.

It's not that Mu Yue doesn't want to release it as soon as possible, but that she wants to attend the press conference. She is very busy because of treating those patients.

Therefore, it was postponed for a month, and all employees of the company had a trial experience first, and they were able to check whether there were any problems in the software.

Mu Yue looked at the staff responsible for the development of the video website in this conference room and asked, "How's it going?"

Su Mu smiled and reported to Mu Yue, “After the trial of our entire Longteng Group employees, many problems have been found, and now they have all been resolved. There are no problems anymore! Press conferences can be held at any time!”

"Well, how many TV shows and movies have been prepared on the video site?" Mu Yue nodded and asked Su Mu.

Su Mu looked through the information and said, "Because this project has just started, we have contacted many entertainment companies before that, and we have purchased film and television rights with them and put them on our website for broadcast. For the time being, there are hundreds of TV series. There are nearly a hundred movies. Recently, many TV shows and movies will be uploaded to video websites one after another!"

In this era, it is still relatively cheap to buy these film and television copyrights, but it is not so easy for a while.

Moreover, Mu Yue also requested that both domestic and foreign TV series and movies should be available, but for the time being, they are only domestic ones.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said with satisfaction, "Well, very good. This is our own resource, as well as videos uploaded by other users. But for those things, you have to separate a department. Videos are reviewed. As long as they are not in compliance with the rules and regulations, they cannot be uploaded!"

This video website, naturally, not only the website’s own film and television dramas, but also some other small videos that can be uploaded.

However, those contents need to be reviewed clearly, and those that are not standardized cannot be uploaded.

"Understand!" Su Mu nodded and said in a report, "Recently we have expanded our enrollment and are setting up various departments of the company! New employees will soon be trained to work!"

For this reason, the network department also recruited a lot of new employees some time ago and conducted new training. As long as they wait for the website to be released, they will be able to work.

Mu Yue nodded, and asked with concern, "So, how are the shopping website coding preparations?"

Thinking of the future shopping trend, Mu Yue is still very much looking forward to launching this shopping website.

After all, there is still no shopping website, let alone a complete system.

Mu Yun said lightly and confidently said, "After the video website is successfully compiled, some people who have already transferred to the shopping website will definitely be able to complete it within a limited time!"

Everyone is full of enthusiasm and is looking forward to success and becoming a pioneer in online shopping.

Therefore, everyone writes programs there wholeheartedly, and the speed can be said to be very fast.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said very satisfied, "Well, very good. You have stepped up to follow up on this matter. Has the registration of the Internet company been completed?"

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