Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3589: Yunteng Network Technology Company 2

"It's done, just wait for you, Mu Dong, when you are free, to attend the press conference!" Mo Lieye smiled and said jokingly, "Who makes Mu Dong the busiest, you have to follow your schedule! "

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, and said guiltily, "The day after tomorrow, I will talk to those patients tomorrow, and there will be a press conference the day after tomorrow!"

Indeed, the company is clearly hers, but she rarely cares, and always has to follow her time.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to notify the reporter!" Mo Lieye nodded, took a note, raised his head and said, "Mu Dong, do you have any other arrangements?"

"Well, how are you preparing for the e-bank I asked you to establish?" Mu Yue asked Mo Lieye with concern again.

Mo Lieye touched his nose and said, "It's still under development, and the progress is relatively slow! Video websites already exist in China, but this is the first time that this kind of online third-party payment software has come across. They are relatively unfamiliar, but they can still do it in the prescribed time!"

"Well, I know these are some difficulties, but I hope you can still overcome it. As long as these three encodings are successfully produced, it will be a great achievement! Everyone is a big project, and I will have even greater rewards!" Mu Yue Said inspiringly to everyone with a smile.

Hearing that Mu Yue had rewards, everyone was extremely curious.

"Mu Dong, what reward is this time? We already have a house!"

"Yes, Mu Dong, can you tell me the reward first?"

Everyone has been acquainted with Mu Yue for a while, so this kind of question can still be asked, knowing that Mu Yue is a very reasonable one, and it is also very good to them.

Mu Yue laughed and said, "Well, rewards, newcomers will naturally still be rewarded for a house. For those who already have a house, they will be rewarded directly in cash, one million! How about?"

Hearing Mu Yue's reward, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Those new employees are all envy and jealous!

They actually want money. After all, in this era, one million can still buy several bachelor apartments, even in this capital city.

Thinking of this, those newcomers are very regretful, why didn't they join in early!

Of course, more of them are the rewards they will get if they work in the Longteng Group in the future.


Everyone cheered in excitement.

"Mu Dong, you are so awesome!"

"That's right, Mu Dong, you are the best boss!"

These young people all expressed their thoughts.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, stood up, supported the desk with both hands, and said to everyone, "I am naturally good to my employees. As long as everyone does their own work, completes my work, and never betrays, I It will give you unexpected benefits! In the future, you will also want money and money, houses and houses, and fame and fame. Your names will also be recorded in the annals of history! Let everyone know your name and your contribution to this society. Contribution!"

The young people present all looked at each other, bright smiles appeared on their faces, and all of them were full of passionate fighting spirits, and they were very excited.

Mu Yue looked at the expressions on their faces with satisfaction, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and said, "You will create the future network age!"

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