Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3590: Yunteng Network Technology Company 3

There are already many patients who can be treated in stages, without Mu Yue's continuous treatment, so Mu Yue's time is relatively easy, and he doesn't need to be too tired every day.

There was more time to come out to participate in the press conference. After treating the patients, Mu Yue came to Longteng Group under the protection of Longteng Group to attend the press conference of Longteng Group.

Mu Yue attaches great importance to press conferences of this kind, so the whole floor is made into a press conference, and there is a floor dedicated to the press conference venue.

After some arrangement, a lot of reporters and photographers have gathered in the entire venue of the press conference.

These reporters were summoned here today, and they were all very curious. Today, Longteng Group will release some earth-shattering news.

Not only Mu Yue but also Mo Lieye, Su Mu, and Mu Yunqing attended this meeting.

When Mu Yue and the others appeared on the stage, everyone was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Mu Yue sat down in her seat and glanced at the reporters who were full of seats below, facing the countless flashes without any stage fright.

"Today our Longteng Group is holding a press conference here because our network department under the Longteng Group has established a separate Yunteng Network Technology Company!"

Mu Yue spoke faintly, but it gave everyone present a thunderous shock.

"Yunteng Network Technology Company?"

All the reporters looked at each other, with a bit of shock and curiosity on their faces.

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded, raised his hand, and the waiter turned off the bright lights in the conference room.

On a piece of white cloth, a webpage of a website was projected.

"This is the Huafeng video compiled and developed by our Yunteng Network Technology Company. In this Huafeng video, our Yunteng Network Technology Company signs a contract with other film and television companies to purchase the copyright of the film and television, and put the TV series, movies, etc. Played in our Huafeng video."

Mu Yue stood up slowly and briefly introduced to the reporters present.

"Huafeng Video solves the regret that TV series and movies can't be watched because of missing time. As long as you want to watch it, you can watch it at any time!" Mu Yue raised the corner of her lips and said with a confident smile, "There will be more in the future. The audience can feast their eyes on the TV series, movies, documentaries, etc.!"

"Crack, click!"

In the meeting room, the light was shining, and the flash was constantly on, shining Mu Yue's exquisite and beautiful beauty face even more dazzlingly.

Mu Yue paused for a moment and continued, "Of course, this is not completely free to watch. Our Huafeng Video website will have a one-year buffer period, and we can watch all the shows for free for one year. After one year, our Huafeng Video will be set up. Membership system, monthly or yearly subscription is all right!"

When the reporters heard Mu Yue's words, they all showed surprised expressions on their faces, and then they had such expressions.

The expression seemed to be saying, sure enough, no business is not evil!

"Of course, the specific price will follow some other projects launched by our Yunteng Network Technology Company! Then we will enjoy the benefits of membership together!" Mu Yue smiled and said to the reporters.

When the reporters heard it, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they only felt that they had caught something.

As a gossip reporter, naturally, he was very concerned about sensitive words and immediately caught the important words.

"Mu Dong, you said, there are other projects? What other projects?"

"Yes, Mu Dong, can you tell us in advance, what other projects are there?"

As soon as all the reporters caught the point, they started to hold their microphones and asked Mu Yue.

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