The company's affairs have been handled, and Mu Yue continued to treat those patients.

After giving Christopher the needle, he took out the silver needle, and Mu Yue gave him a pulse for a while, and said with a smile, "Hehe, Mr. Christopher, congratulations, your condition has turned into an early stage!"

Because Christopher was the first to treat the illness, his recovery was very fast and very good.

When Christopher heard the news that Mu Yue had said, it was a joy, and he said haha, "Okay, it's great!"

"Mr. Christopher, your body will recover soon. Next, I don't need to give you acupuncture every day. If I take it according to my prescription, my body will continue to recover." Mu Yue said to Christopher with a smile.

Christopher nodded, "Well, I'm really tired of Dr. Mu! My body can recover, thanks to Dr. Mu!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "This is what I should be, Christopher, you have given a lot of gifts, and I haven't thanked you Mr. Christopher!"

"Haha, everyone is mutually beneficial!" Christopher smiled and nodded, "I still hope to cooperate with Miss Mu you more in the future!"

"Definitely!" Mu Yue nodded and said.

Christopher smiled and asked Mu Yue curiously, "I heard that Dr. Mu recently made another big move about your company. What is it called, a video website, can you watch movies?"

Now that I have come to China and I have to cooperate with Mu Yue, I naturally pay close attention to the Longteng Group under Mu Yue's name.

Christopher is even more concerned about such a big disturbance in the Longteng Group, and he has also made some understanding of this. Only today will I ask Mu Yue about it, hoping that the two sides can have some cooperation.

And he happens to have shares in a film and television company, and he has a lot of weight in this company, so he still has the ability to make this decision.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Yes, just do whatever you want, but I don't know what the future development will be like! Hope not to lose money!"

"There will never be a loss. Do you need our foreign film and television resources? I still have some shares in film and television companies, and I can still be the master!" Christopher smiled and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was taken aback, glanced at Christopher, also smiled, and nodded, "Okay, then I would like to thank Mr. Christopher!"

Although Christopher Hampton is an oil tycoon, he still has many other company shares in his name.

After all, businessmen’s profit-seeking is inherent in nature. As long as they make money, it’s normal for them to invest in shares. In this situation, they may not be able to make decisions, but it is still possible to bridge the gap.

Now, as long as Christopher Hampton is the bridge, she can buy film and television rights at a lower price.

After all, it is still very difficult for China to buy foreign film and television copyrights, and the price is not low.

This goes against her original intention of low-cost income.

"Hahaha, well, we can continue to cooperate!" Christopher smiled and nodded, feeling very happy.

Mu Yue looked at Christopher and said with a smile, "Then today, Mr. Christopher, your treatment is over, I will treat other patients!"

"Okay, Dr. Mu, go ahead!" Christopher nodded.

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