Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3595: Development of Huafeng Video 1

The patient's condition is gradually stabilizing, and all of them are developing for the better.

After Mu Yue treated Christopher, he treated Catherine again, all of which were cancer.

Jason looked forward to seeing Mu Yue treating Catherine and asked Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, how is Catherine's condition now?"

Mu Yue explained with a smile, "Ms. Catherine is in very good health now. The cancer cells spreading in her body have been completely eliminated. The next step is to understand the cancer cells in her stomach! It will be completely cured! But, after all, Mrs. Catherine’s stomach has been cut off a bit. This will have some impact on her body and her future life. In the future, there will be no more problems with her standard of life!"

Jason and Catherine showed joy on their faces when they heard Mu Yue's words.

They also heard from the Western medical experts that the cancer cells that Catherine spread had been eliminated, and now they learned from Mu Yue that they were more certain about this, and they were naturally happy.

Catherine's moved eyes were full of tears, and she tremblingly said in gratitude, "Thank you, Doctor!"

Mu Yue glanced at Jason and Catherine, and said with a smile, "I am a doctor, this is my job!"

"Doctor Mu, when will my wife's illness be cured?" Jason asked Mu Yue curiously and caringly.

Mu Yue thought for a while, and said, "According to her health and recovery situation, she will be able to transition to mid-term next month!"

When Jason heard Mu Yue's words, the expression of joy on his face became stronger.

They thought that the disease that could not be cured was finally cured after Mu Yue's treatment.

"Thank you Dr. Mu!" Jason thanked again, "Catherine, your body will return to normal soon!"

Catherine nodded, with a big smile on her face, "Hmm!"

Mu Yue sorted out the out-patient box, and rushed to the next ward.

When I came to Angus's ward, I showed him his physical condition, but he didn't receive any injections.

"Doctor Mu, you are here, hurry up and sit down!" Caroline smiled at Mu Yue enthusiastically and brought the stool over.

Mu Yue waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm just here to see the recovery of Angus' body, and I will leave soon!"

"Doctor Mu, my body is recovering very well, too good to be better!" Angus smiled and said gratefully to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Well, that's the best! Your situation is completely different from that of Avid. Avid is injured in the bones of his legs, and he should not move too much at first, but you are Because I used to lie in bed, I had little activity, I had to get out of bed more and take a rest when I was tired, but I didn’t need to be overworked!"

"Well, I listen to Doctor Mu!" Angus said gratefully with a bright smile on his face.

He is so good now, can he not be grateful?

"According to your situation, you can recuperate in this hospital for another month, and then take the prescription I gave you, and you can be discharged. After you go back, it is important to relax your mind and keep a good mood!" Mu Yue smiled to Ange Said.

Angus nodded, "I know, I can take care of the company's affairs in the future, and that's it!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly. Only when he has experienced life and death, or a painful experience, can he realize what is the most precious.

Now Angus is like that.

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