Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3600: Mom and Dad’s Little Buns 3

The little bun blinked, seemingly satisfied with his father's appearance, and then showed a cute toothless smile, two small mouths touched one another, "Dad..."

"Hahaha..." Xiao Junyan laughed happily when he heard it, hugged him up, then stood up and turned around in place a few times.

The little bun really liked being lifted so high by Xiao Junyan, and only felt that he could overlook the world, and his laughter became clearer.

"Jun Yan, don't get excited, don't hurt your child!" Mu Yue hurriedly called Xiao Junyan when he saw this posture.

Only then did Xiao Junyan put the little bun down, let him lean on his chest, and looked at the little guy's blushing chubby face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he turned to look at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue stood by Xiao Junyan's side, saw that the little bun was okay, and he sighed in relief, and looked up at Xiao Junyan, "I'm a father now, why are you so messy!"

Xiao Junyan stretched out a hand and put his arms around Mu Yue's slender waist, his mouth showed a soft and affectionate smile, "Thank you, wife, for letting me experience what it's like to be a father!"

Mu Yue leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms, with the corners of her lips rising, and gently beating his chest, "If you say thank you, I feel that I have a home with you, and you are my god! With you and me It is perfect!"

"Me too!" Xiao Junyan also looked at Mu Yue tenderly.

The two of them faced each other, their eyes filled with deep love, and the two heads gradually approached.

At the moment when the two lips were about to touch, the little bun who was in Xiao Junyan's arms stretched out a pair of soft and chubby hands, blocking the two people's kiss.

Xiao Junyan looked at the pair of chubby hands in front of him, instantly that handsome face turned black, and turned his head to stare at the little bun in his arms.

But Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed out, and looked at Xiao Baozi.

Little bun didn't know that what he had done angered his father, and made a clear giggle proudly.

"Smelly boy, if you don't spank your **** for a day, you're upset for a day, don't you?" Xiao Junyan pretended to pat Xiao Baozi's ass, staring at him, and taught.

Xiao Baozi grinned at the corner of his mouth and smiled again. He threw himself on Xiao Junyan's face and directly cheated on Xiao Junyan's face, making Xiao Junyan's face all saliva.

"Puff, hahaha..." Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed haha, only feeling very funny.

Since Xiao Junyan had a son, he has really become more and more angry, and he can still play with Xiao Baozi like this.

Hearing Mu Yue's laughter, Xiao Junyan turned his head, suddenly a little helpless, turned his head and stared fiercely at the little bun whose mouth was full of saliva, and spit out a word of disgust, "Dirty!"

It’s just that the little bun didn’t know, and then turned his head to rush towards Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan directly stopped him, "While going, your mother is only able to kiss your mother, so let’s go, and father will take you to your grandfather and grandfather You have to gnaw, gnaw them!"

How could he let this stinky boy use this method to gnaw at Mu Yue, it is not his welfare, to gnaw, to gnaw his future daughter-in-law, Mu Yue is his daughter-in-law.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan as he turned around holding the little bun and left, causing the little bun to yell in his arms, and even looked at her with tearful eyes, a little bit dumbfounded.

This guy, really, even eats his own son's jealousy.

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