Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3601: Preparation before leaving 1

To go out, Mu Yue had to arrange the patients first.

I also know that Mu Yue will temporarily leave the hospital for a while, and both Arvid and Angus will also be discharged.

The two seemed to have discussed it well, until Mu Yue was discharged from the hospital on the last day of the hospital.

"Mr. Angus, Mr. Arvid, both of you can be discharged from the hospital. After you go back, you can take a good care of you and you can find me for a follow-up visit in half a year!" Mu Yue said to them with a smile.

Angus nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I will definitely!"

Arvid also gratefully said to Mu Yue, "I will definitely come to see Dr. Mu again, next time I come, I also want to cooperate with Dr. Mu's company a lot!"

"Then look forward to our cooperation!" Mu Yue smiled and shook hands with the two.

Arvid and Angus also said goodbye to Mu Yue one after another, "Then let's go first, Dr. Mu, see you next time!"

Mu Yue sent the two away, and he sighed slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After Mu Yue sent away the two people, she went to Chris' ward again.

According to her calculations, after treatment with Chris today, she will be able to wake up.

Adele looked at Mu Yue expectantly and asked, "Doctor Mu, you will be away from the hospital for a while, my son, can you wake up?"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Don't worry, after I treated Mr. Chris today, I will be able to wake up. As long as I wake up, my treatment will be over temporarily!"

"That's good!" Jesse and Adele breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Yue opened the consultation box and said to them, "I am treating Chris now!"

Jesse and Adele nodded, looking forward to watching Mu Yue give Chris the needle.

Mu Yue continued to insert the silver needle into Chris' head and controlled it with internal force to break up the few remaining blood clots and take out the last blood clots.

This time, more bruises were taken out than before, and it was the last time, and it cost Mu Yue a lot of internal energy.

The black blood was convulsed by Mu Yue, rubbing the black blood on the silver needle onto the cotton.

"Doctor Mu, is the treatment over?" Adele asked her when she saw Mu Yue wipe off the black blood, because the last step of the previous treatment was here.

Mu Yue said with a smile to Adele, "Mr. Chris needs to be given an injection today, and only after the injection can I wake up!"

"Good, good!" Adele nodded in relief.

They all thought that after Mu Yue gave Chris the needle, she would wake up, but now she doesn't.

Mu Yue took out other silver needles again and gave them to Chris.

A silver needle was pierced into Chris' body, and the subtle internal force was injected into his body, traveling through the veins of his body.

Both Adele and Jesse stretched their heads, looking expectantly at Mu Yue treating his son, and then at Chris who was lying on the bed.

Suddenly, the two of them saw Chris' flat brows wrinkled lightly together and let out a low moan.

"Something's moving!" Adele and Jessie's eyes suddenly lit up, and they clasped their hands tightly together.

Before, Chris was a vegetable, there was no movement at all, let alone frowning and making a little noise.

Seeing Chris' movement, Mu Yue gave a satisfied smile and nodded gently.

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