Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3602: Preparation before leaving 2

After Mu Yue gave the needle and pulled out the last silver needle, Chris groaned again.

"Okay, come over and call Chris's name!" Mu Yue stepped back and said to Adele and Jesse.

When Adele and Jesse heard Mu Yue's words, they rushed to the bed and called the person on the bed.

Chris, who closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes when he heard his parents call.

"Chris! Chris..."

Chris opened his eyes, but, at first, he was a little confused, his eyes were a little hollow and confused.

Listening to the shouting, Chris' eyes gradually returned to focus. He turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. He saw his parents with a smile on his face. He called his parents in a hoarse and weak voice, "Dad, mom!"

"It's great, great!"

Jesse and Adele heard Chris's cry. Although they were very weak, they heard it. They were very excited, with bright smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

"I'm not dead? Where am I?" Chris looked around in confusion, asking puzzledly.

Jessie explained to Chris, "You are not dead, you are still alive! This is Huaxia Kingdom. You have been in a coma for five years. We have found many Western medical experts who have not cured you and rescued you. Then we Hearing that Dr. Mu from China has excellent Chinese medicine skills, I will bring you over to see Dr. Mu. Dr. Mu has really cured you!"

"Chris, you finally woke up, great!" When Adele heard Jesse's explanation, he also remembered how he looked at her son over the past few years. His heartache was even more painful. He burst into tears instantly and threw himself at Chris. Chest.

Chris's body is still very weak now. He wants to lift his hands, but he has no strength. He just moved and didn't lift up, but he still comforted Adele, "Mom, don't cry, I'm fine!"

"It's okay, it's okay! It's okay to wake up!" Jesse patted Chris on the shoulder without being as excited as Adele, and said comfortingly.

Chris looked at Jesse and called out, "Dad, I'm sorry, I worried you!"

"It's okay, as long as you are okay!" Jesse sighed and said apologetically, "I am the one who should apologize, but I didn't find your brother... Well, I have already punished him!"

Chris listened, with a surprised look on his face, and said in pain, "I didn't expect that Big Brother would do such a thing!"

Obviously, he didn't know this matter.

After all, he was in a coma after being injured by the killer, and he didn't know what was going on, let alone what his brother did.

"Well, everything is over, you have recovered!" Jesse comforted Chris.

Chris nodded, "Hmm!"

Jessie turned his head and said to Mu Yue gratefully, "Doctor Mu, thank you for saving my son Chris and waking him up!"

Now that Chris really woke up, Jesse was really happy and thanked Mu Yue very much for saving her son.

Mu Yue smiled slightly at Jesse, "This is what I should be. Now Chris has also woke up and my work has been completed. This is the prescription I wrote. You will take it for him next, and you will give it to him when I come back. He rechecked!"

While Jesse and the others were reminiscing about the past, Mu Yue adjusted her breath a little, and also wrote down the prescription.

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