Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3603: Preparation before leaving 3

The news that Chris woke up spread throughout the corridor. After everyone heard it, they all came to see Chris.

Sure enough, it was shocked to see Chris who was lying on the bed awake.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yue really cured Chris.

After that, Mu Yue went to treat Catherine and Angelo to check the condition of the two, and they recovered very well.

"Doctor Mu, when are you coming back?"

"Yes, Dr. Mu, how many days have you been out?"

Everyone is very concerned about when Mu Yue will come back and treat them again.

Without Mu Yue, they were really worried.

Mu Yue smiled and comforted everyone, and said, "Don't worry, I will be back before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I will try my best to be back around the 25th!"

After going out for about half a month, this is already considered as a hurry for them, and the schedule is very tight.

Moreover, some areas that have been contaminated are excluded, which is a little easier.

"Doctor Mu, we are waiting for you to come back. Before we come back, we will listen to your instructions and your medicine! We won't let those western doctors treat us!"

"Yes, those western medicines, I don't believe it now, I only believe in you, and only let you treat me with Chinese medicine!"

The patients and their family members all expressed that they only believed in Mu Yue, not the Western medical experts.

This caused the western medical experts here to lower their heads, only to feel the burning pain on their faces.

They are also internationally renowned Western medical experts, but now they are so unappreciated by these rich people.

With a bright smile on Catherine's face, she gratefully said to Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, thank you so much. Without you, I must be dead, let alone eat such a delicious medicated meal! "

At the beginning, Catherine didn't even have the ability to take medicated diet. After recovering a lot, she could take medicated diet.

After taking the medicated diet, Catherine realized that the most delicious food is the Chinese medicinal diet, not any Michelin restaurant. Those are simply not comparable to these medicinal diets.

Moreover, after eating the medicinal food arranged by Mu Yue, it helped her stomach recover. After eating, the whole person was comfortable, and the stomach was warm and relaxed.

It was also not like before, she would vomit out when she drinks milk, but now she didn’t vomit out anything she ate, and ate it in well.

This of course made her health better and better. Although the body was sick, it looked no different from a normal person.

The body shape that was originally thin because of the inability to eat, gradually became rounded, and the skin on the body became very elastic, and it was fleshy to the touch.

This obvious change proved that Mu Yue's treatment was very successful.

Now, both Catherine and Jesse have become fans of Chinese food. I hope that after the stomach disease is cured, they will taste more Chinese food.

Mu Yue naturally agreed with a smile. Being alive, being able to eat what she likes is really a kind of enjoyment and blessing.

"Doctor Mu, will Catherine's illness change when you leave?" Jesse still asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, and said, "There are changes naturally, but they are good changes, not bad. I used to treat Catherine non-stop every day. In fact, it will take some time to merge. This is like, nutrition, it always takes time to absorb, this is the same, don't worry, I will check again when I will come, it will only be better!"

"Okay, thank you!"

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