Although the train is narrow, everyone can walk around, which is very convenient.

"Baby, when you come out, you are making trouble!" Mu Yue looked at the extremely excited little bun, a little helpless.

The little bun climbed to the side of the bed, and was dragged back by Mu Yue with her feet supported.

The little bun thought that he was playing with him, he was full of fun, and he giggled and started crawling again.

Xiao Junyan picked up the back collar of the little bun and hugged him in his arms, "Don't move!"

Little Bun raised his head, blinked a pair of big eyes, and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Dad..."

Xiao Junyan's tone became softer when the little bun called his father, "Don't mess with your mother, you know?"

The little bun tilted his head, nodded his little head, leaned against Xiao Junyan's shoulder, stretched out his fleshy little hand, pointed at the scenery passing by the window, and screamed. "Ahhhhh..."

Xiao Junyan held the little bun and stood by the bed, "Would you like to see?"

Xiao Baozi had small hands against the glass, and his small face was full of excitement.

Mu Yue looked at the appearance of Xiao Junyan and Xiao Baozi, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The little bun was making trouble like this, and he was almost at the station. Only then did Mu Yue feed him to sleep, and now he sleeps very well.

When we arrived at the destination, it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon. The car had been waiting outside the station for a long time, and took Mu Yue and the others to the hotel to stay first.

Because Xiao Junyan was carrying two big boxes by himself, Mu Yue held the little bun. When he reached the destination, Mu Yue put the little bun in the center of the bed and covered the quilt.

"Are you tired?" Xiao Junyan put the small bun box away and asked Mu Yue with concern, "Let's take a break first!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, lightly patted some restless little buns.

Xiao Junyan sat beside Mu Yue, put her arms around her shoulders, and said with concern, "I will go to the mountains tomorrow and drive for a day. I don't know if there are any mountain villages at the destination that are worth our rest!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Qi Chuan has made arrangements. He will try his best to arrange us to live in the village!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded softly, "Just arrange it, otherwise, you have to live in the space at night, the outside environment is too bad!"

When Mu Yue heard this, she was a little bit dumbfounded, "Hmm!"

Xiao Junyan looked at the little bun on the bed, his eyes were a bit disgusting, and he regretted bringing the little bun over, and even felt that the little bun was a cumbersome, "This stinky boy is very heavy, I will hug it tomorrow!"

"Aren't you taking your luggage?" Mu Yue rolled her eyes and said.

Xiao Junyan smiled and gently put Mu Yue into his arms, and said, "You can tie it to me!"

It doesn't have to be held by hand, anyway, he also brought a baby belt, which can be tied to his chest, and the little bun will not fall.

"Forget it, I can hold it!" Mu Yue felt distressed. Xiao Junyan had to hold so many things, it was too tired.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head, kissed Mu Yue's forehead softly, and said, "It's okay!"

As long as Mu Yue is not tired, he will not feel tired at all.

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