Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3610: Grand Elder's Resentment 1

In the ancient martial arts world, Nangong Linfeng also sent someone to investigate everything.

However, I still don't know about the assassination of Mu Yue back then, but I also know that it is true that Nangong Yan wanted to kill Mu Yue.

This made Nangong Linfeng very angry, and at the elders' meeting, he directly questioned the great elder.

The great elder panicked and guilty, and knelt on the ground, “Patriarch, I really don’t know that Yan'er would do this kind of thing! I don’t know about this thing. If I knew it, I would definitely prevent him from doing this. !"

Even the Great Elder cannot be exempted from the impact and guilt brought about by this incident.

Nangong Linfeng snorted coldly, and stared at the elder angrily, "Elder, Nangong Yan, as a child of the Nangong family, even his blood relatives dare to make such a cruel hand, and he is not qualified to be our Nangong family. People!"

And most importantly, the people Nangong Yan wanted to kill were the granddaughter he had not met, and the great-grandson who had not yet been born.

Thinking that Mu Yue's mother and son were almost killed in the hands of Nangong Yan, Nangong Linfeng was extremely angry.

"Elder, do you say how to deal with this matter?" Nangong Linfeng squinted his eyes and asked the elder coldly.

The Grand Elder knelt on the ground and said, "The subordinates are willing to accept any punishment, and the grandson Yan'er is also willing to accept any punishment!"

He also investigated this matter clearly, and he was very unwilling to lose everything because of this incident. He only felt that Nangong Yan was really stealing chicken and was not a counterfeit, so he was also taken in.

"I only hope that the Patriarch can read the old man's devotion to the family for so many years, and don't involve other people, they are ignorant!" The elder knelt on the ground, pleadingly said.

When the other elders saw this posture, they also knew that the situation was very wrong, and they all pleaded for the great elder one after another.

"Patriarch, this matter is actually unaware of this, and he shouldn't be punished!"

"Yes, Patriarch, all of this is Nangong Banquet's own opinion, and has nothing to do with the Great Elder. Please tell the story of Patriarch!"

"I think this thing was not done by Master Yan and the others. It is very likely that it was instigated by the Shangguan family!"

"Yes, didn't the Shangguan family also have an elder Ting who was arrested? It must be Elder Ting who instigated Master Yan to do this!"

"Patriarch, please think twice..."

Nangong Linfeng listened to the elders interceding for the great elder, and shook their sleeves, "Shut up!"

Hearing the order, the elders who were interceding closed their mouths one by one.

These elders who opened their mouths belonged to the great elder family, while the second elders and others were watching the show.

They wished that the Great Elder would lose power so that they could take advantage of it.

Nangong Linfeng did not immediately make a ruling, looking at the great elder who was kneeling on the ground, "Elder, you said, how should the head of the family punish you?"

When the great elder heard Nangong Linfeng's question, a look of contemplation flashed in his old eyes.

He knew that this was actually Nangong Linfeng's temptation to him, and only by probing his situation could he make the final punishment.

"As long as the Patriarch punishes the subordinates, the subordinates are willing!" The elder knelt on the ground and said guiltily, "After all, it is the old man and the godson who have no way to make him do such a thing! It almost hurt a month! Miss Hua's daughter and son!"

Now he must confess all the crimes, otherwise, his position as the elder will be gone in the future.

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