Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3611: Grand Elder's Resentment 2

Nangong Linfeng squinted his eyes, looked at the elder, and ordered, “Elder, you teach Sun Wufang, you can’t get rid of responsibility for this matter. The head of the family will now punish you and cut the elder from the family. From now on, I’ll be closed, and I’m not allowed to manage anything in the family!"

When the great elder heard Nangong Linfeng's punishment, his old face showed a shocked look.

The other elders were also shocked by Nangong Linfeng's orders, while the expressions on the faces of the second elders were shocked, but the emotions in their hearts were joy and excitement.

"Thank you Patriarch!" Although the elder was very unwilling in his heart, he still lowered his head.

Nangonglin looked at the great elder coldly, naturally, he was very clear in his heart.

The first elder and the second elder have been fighting for the seat of the young master of the Nangong family for so many years.

However, because he had to take care of Nangong Yuehua before, he didn't care about it and didn't want to care about it, but he didn't expect that they would harm Yuehua's child instead.

"As for the Nangong banquet, disqualify him as the heir of the young master of the Nangong family, and wait for the ancient martial arts and the secular world to punish!" Nangong Lin Feng's voice is cold and full of majesty, turning his head to look at the second elder, "From today From now on, Nangong Yangchen will inherit the position of the young lord of the Nangong family, and hold the young lord’s succession ceremony on another day!"

In a word, it determines the outcome of the two forces of the Nangong family.

The great elder's whole person seemed to have been emptied of strength, and the whole person sat down on the ground in a decadent manner, his old face full of frustration.

In fact, after learning about the things that Nangong Yan did, he had already guessed that there would be such an ending.

It's just that he has been deceiving himself and others, and he is unwilling to accept such things.

Now, after hearing the news announced by Nangong Linfeng, I still feel that the whole world is gloomy.

After hearing this, the second elder showed a happy smile on his face, stood up and held a fist at Nangong Linfeng, "Thank you Patriarch, the old husband, on behalf of his grandson Yang Chen, thank Patriarch!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded, "Second elder, please prepare, choose a good day, let Yang Chen succeed the young master, and send invitations to the Guwu family!"

"Yes!" said the second elder excitedly, as long as it is beneficial to him, no matter what he does is positive.

He didn't expect that this time things were so easy, they didn't do anything, they easily defeated the great elders.

"The meeting is over!" Nangong Linfeng got up, ordered, turned and left the meeting room.

The news that Nangong Linfeng Li Nangong Yangchen was the young master echoed in the head of the elder, lowered his head, and a touch of unwillingness and anger flashed in his eyes.

Mu Yue, that little bitch, had already caused such a big disturbance before he returned to the Nangong family, and his plans for decades were completely wiped out.

Thinking of everything he had lost, the hatred in the heart of the elder kept rising, and he didn't want Mu Yue to enter the ancient martial world alive like this.

Even more can't let Mu Yue arrogantly participate in some ancient martial arts world secular world competition, just feel that it is hitting him in the face.

I regretted why I stopped looking for more, and then killed that little bitch, so that there would be no such thing as today.

And he might also let his grandson Nangong Banquet get the seat of the young master of the Nangong family.

"Mu Yue, I won't let you go!"

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