Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3631: Who the **** is surrounding whom 1

Mu Haixuan and several people barely resisted these assassins outside, and some assassins were killed by Dongfang Sheng, Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, but the rest were masters.

And most importantly, as they fight for longer, the poison on their bodies has not been relieved, and their cultivation base has also declined.

Ye Tianming cursed fiercely, and yelled at him, "Bug, who are you guys who dare to poison Laozi! It's really shameless!"

Poisoning, such a despicable thing, has also been done, and now he is unable to exert his strength.

Otherwise, with his abilities, he can kill everyone alone.

If he was asked to find out, he would definitely not let them go easily.

"You are from the ancient martial arts world! Look at your moves. They are the masters of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family. Ha ha ha, I remember you, I will definitely not let you go!" Mu Haixuan squinted. First help Xiao Junyan stop the two elders of the Nangong family and Shangguan family, who have the highest cultivation level.

Although Mu Haixuan's cultivation level has dropped, he still has eyesight, and he can immediately see their moves from the skills of these elders.

From their cultivation bases, it can be seen that these two elders have the highest cultivation bases, and they are also the leaders of the team this time.

When these two elders heard Mu Haixuan's words, their complexions suddenly became very ugly.

Because they didn't use their own tricks, in fact, seeing that they couldn't kill Xiao Junyan, they had to be forced to use their own tricks.

As soon as the trick came out, Mu Haixuan, the leader of the secular world, naturally recognized their skills and guessed that they were members of the Nangong family and the Shangguan family.

Moreover, it is the two families who have enemies with each other, and other families will not do such things that hurt others and benefit themselves.

When Elder Nangong and Elder Shangguan heard Mu Haixuan's words, their old faces showed a bit of anger and dissatisfaction.

They never expected that this assassination was so unsuccessful.

With this Xiao Junyan's cultivation base alone, they had already unexpectedly greatly exceeded their expectations. They were already in the late stage of refining the void and combining the Dao. This simply made them unimaginable, and they couldn't believe that it was true.

Without the containment and interference of Elder Nangong and Elder Shangguan, Xiao Junyan was relieved to deal with other assassins. In the blink of an eye, he had already severed the head of a single assassin.

The killer whose head was severed, a pool of blood poured out and splashed onto the companions beside him, causing their pupils to shrink.

There was a bloodthirsty sneer at the corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth, and a cold glow flashed through the dark and deep eyes.


The sound is like the **** of death coming to hell, about to reap their lives.

The assassin felt a chill rushing directly over his head, and his hair was erect.

Without the siege of the two masters, Xiao Junyan's combat effectiveness instantly increased, and the assassins felt the strong pressure, but the attack still did not dare to weaken, and did not dare to retreat.

While the crowd was fighting, the door of the tent opened, and a figure rushed out of it, and quickly rushed towards Xiao Junyan.

The cold light flashed, Xiao Junyan was about to raise the assassin's weapon, his two heads flew directly into the sky, and blood gushing out into the sky like a pillar of blood.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were dyed red.

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