Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3632: Who the **** is surrounding whom 2

All the assassins looked at the sudden appearance in shock, their pupils shrank, and a look of horror flashed across their faces.

Mu Yue let out a cold snort in her nose, flipped her hand and shot a porcelain bottle at Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan!"


Xiao Junyan took the thrown porcelain bottle, opened the cork, quickly poured a pill out of it, and threw it into his mouth.

After eating it by himself, Xiao Junyan threw it to Ye Tianming and the others, "Tianming!"

"Come!" Ye Tianming jumped up with excitement, took the medicine that Xiao Junyan had thrown over, and quickly took one, and threw the other medicine to other people so that they could take the antidote.

"Mom... Mommy..." When the little bun saw Mu Yue, there were excited little stars in her eyes, and her tears shrank back, and she cried out happily.

Mu Yue turned his head and smiled at the little bun, "Baby, be in my father's arms, you know?"

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded obediently, his little head rubbed against Xiao Junyan's arms, and a smile appeared on his little face.

As soon as Mu Yue appeared, his body exuded a powerful mid-stage cultivation base of Refining Void Hedao, so that Elder Nangong and Elder Shangguan almost didn't stare out their eyes in shock.

"Refining... Refining... Refining the Void and Combining Dao... Mid-term!"

"How can it be!"

The tongues of the two elders are about to be robbed.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue's cultivation base turned out to be in the middle stage of refining emptiness and harmony.

Isn't Mu Yue's age twenty? How could the twenty-year-old age break through to the realm of refining the virtual and combining the Tao, and it is still the middle stage of refining the virtual and combining the Tao.

This cultivation base is really too abnormal, too enchanting!

Subconsciously, they also suspected that there was a problem with their eyes.

Amidst their shocked eyes, Mu Yue's mouth evoked a confident and mocking sneer, and her voice was also extremely cold, "Hehe, Guwu family, I remember you!"

After speaking, Mu Yue held a long sword in his first hand and attacked them.

Where the long sword passed was a lively life, and the blood was sprayed in the air, staining the ground.

Although Mu Yue's cultivation was in the middle stage of Void Refining and Combination Dao, it was also the peak of the middle period of Void Refining and Combining Dao.

These people outside have been fighting for a while, and they have also consumed a lot of strength. Now facing Mu Yue in his heyday together, they are all unable to resist.

In just a short minute, Mu Yue killed all the killers, leaving only the two elders of Nangong and Shangguan who were entangled by Mu Haixuan.

Elder Nangong and Elder Shangguan also saw what was happening here, and all the movements in their hands were a meal, and then Mu Haixuan took the opportunity to injure them.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the two elders looked at each other, and they were very clear that their plan had failed, and if they did not leave, it is estimated that they would not be able to pass the news that they knew today to the ancient martial arts world.

After all, the information they had previously investigated was all false, and they wanted to use this news to pass it back to offset their punishment for not completing the task now.

Seeing that these two elders wanted to escape, Mu Yue snorted coldly, "Want to leave? It's too late!"

Mu Yue's figure flashed, and she attacked the elders.

After Ye Tianming took the antidote, their cultivation levels were restored, and they were also stopped on their way to escape, not allowing them to escape.

Now, the two who are surrounded are Elder Nangong and Elder Shangguan.

Looking at this posture, the two elders only felt that the general situation was gone and wanted to bite their tongues to commit suicide, but suddenly a cold light flashed, and two silver needles pierced them.

"Puff and puff..."

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