Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3633: Who the **** is surrounding whom 3

Seeing that the two elders wanted to escape, Mu Yue threw out two drug-coated silver needles.

Since they dared to poison them, she didn't mind to treat them in the same way.

How could the two elders be able to beat Mu Yue's shot at the secret poison of the mysterious doctor's door painted on the silver needle, and then he fainted after he doubled his eyes.

"Passed out!" Ye Tianming saw the appearance of these two elders, walked over and took off the black face towels on their faces.

Mu Haixuan walked in front of the two elders and looked at it. An angry look appeared on the resolute Jun's face, "It really is the elder of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family, **** it!"

Mu Yue sighed softly, and said to Mu Haixuan, "Dad, take a break first. I will take some medicine from here. You can take one, take one, and crush the rest and apply it on the wound. The recovery from the injury is very effective!"

After speaking, he took out a few porcelain bottles from his pocket and handed them to Mu Haixuan and the others.

Ye Tianming looked at the two elders on the ground and asked concerned, "Where are these two people?"

Mu Yue sneered and said, "Don't worry, I've been stunned by the special medicine made by our mysterious doctor, even if you are a master of refining the void and combining the Tao, you won't be able to wake up in half a day!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, holding a porcelain bottle, and went back to heal his injuries.

He also suffered a lot of injuries, and quickly went back to his tent to heal his injuries.

Mu Yu said guiltily, "I'd better wait, I didn't keep a good night!"

Hearing Mu Yu’s apology, Mu Yue turned to look at him, smiled and said comfortingly, “Senior brother, don’t blame yourself, their cultivation is higher than yours. You didn’t realize it was normal, so go back and rest first. , Leave it to me here!"

Mu Haixuan also nodded, and said, "You also go back, your cultivation is the lowest among us, you are not light, go back and rest first!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Mu Haixuan's words, although Mu Yu was guilty, he nodded and went back to the tent to heal first.

Mu Yue turned to look at Dongfang Sheng, and asked with concern, "Master, are you hurt?"

Dongfang Sheng smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I am the most relaxed. I didn't suffer any injuries, but I was poisoned just now. Alas, when I grow old, I still have the Tao. I really don't admit that I am always dying. what!"

"Master, you are still young! You can still have a few decades!" Mu Yue said to Dongfang Sheng with a smile.

Dongfang Sheng laughed and said, "Oh, well, you all go to heal your injuries first, here I will help you guard!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, "Then Master Lao!"

Dongfang Sheng waved his hand and saw that the clothes on Xiao Junyan's body were a lot torn, and the blood was still dripping, and said, "Let's go and see that kid!"

Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan who was holding the little bun, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes, and quickly walked over, untied the strap tied to Xiao Junyan, and took the little bun into his arms.

"Jun Yan, go in first, and I will help you get the medicine!" Mu Yue's worried eyes were a little flushed, and said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan smiled and nodded gently, and entered the tent with Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi.

However, after entering the tent, Mu Yue took Xiao Junyan into the space.

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